7 more hour in Sweden

I am on my way home, now that I am at the airport with 7 hours until I fly, I wish maybe I had done some shopping. Last night we were are out for a meal next to a shopping mall with Pandouro (sp) but it was late and the mall was closed. I am sure it will be open now but I am sat at the airport but at least internet connection is easy and cheap here.

What else can I tell you, Sugar Nellie will be making hÄnglar & stÄnglar stamps in the UK for Funkykits. This way the world outside Sweden and Norway can play with these darlings. This is BIG news, for many years I have watched the galleries with cards made with these children but feeling frustrated that they were not available. This year things are changing, http://www.hanglar.com/ have a lot of stamps for sale but only to Sweden and Norway. If you do not know this brand, which planet are you on?! Have a look at Marie's site and also at the blog. http://hanglar.blogg.se/

So got tell your friends, all the forums which ask about H&S, you can be first to tell them this exciting news.
Start to feed the family beans and sharpen those prisma pencils :)
The adoption process has started!


Diane.W. said...

I am soooooooo happy!!!!
Thankyou for bringing H&S to us,MWAH!!!! :O)X

Katharina Frei said...

I already spreaded the news, I couldn't hold my enthusiasm back any more!! Way to go Debbie!!!! What a sensation! Thanks again for letting be be a part of this!
Katharina xx

Diane said...

Many congratulations on all your hard work. How fantastic that Sugar Nellie is bringing these stamps to the UK - sign me up now for all of them!!
Can't wait for news on how to get them.

Mrsjobee said...

So exciting - you will be making a lot of people very happy with your fab news.

Unknown said...

OMG, OMG, OMG.....hyperventilating here.......not sure if I can breathe....need them NOW...LOL

So excited...can't you tell. Karen you are my hero....THANK YOU THANKY YOU THANK YOU.

craftyb said...

Oh well done...what an achievement...you'll make a LOT of people very happy with this exciting news! Just make sure you get plenty of rubbah cut!! bx

Brocéliane said...

It's really a great news, I'm so happy :)

Sharon said...

I've released the news on the Docrafts forum. I haven't been stamping long but have already looked in to ways of trying to get these stamps (even considered changing the family holiday to Sweden lol!!) now we won't have long to wait wooo hooo!!!!
Sharon :-)x

Suzanne said...

OMG you have made my day I can't wait bread and water from now until the release!!! Sue :o)

Carole said...

Amazing news...absolutely fantastic...great work...well done!
Carole :D

Bagpuss said...

Fantastic news re the Hanglar stamps! Have got some coming to me anyway but will be great to have easy access to them here in the UK!

Rach said...

whoo hoo,
What fantastic news!!!!
Hugs Rach.x

Maria said...

WOW! That's the best news I've heard in ages! I LOVE Hanglar stamps! Thank you! Thank You! Thank You!
Maria xx

Karen said...

Brilliant news, I will be first in the queue for them


Karen x

Gayle said...

Hanglar & Stanglar stamps in the UK??? That truly is great news!!! Many congratulations on this newest venture!!!
I was terrified that the 'big news' was that you were going to be swallowed up by some huge conglomerate, and we'd lose the essence of 'Nellie' I should have known better...Can't wait for the release date!!!

Dawn Wheeler said...

Wow i am so excitedddddddddddd ,i have wanted some of these stamps so much ,please can you do a pre orders for them xxxxDawnxxx

Tiets said...

OOO yessssss that's great news!! congrats to you all!!

Sonia said...

Wow Wow how exciting is this, so so pleased for you and all us happy crafters :) Need to start saving my pennies i think. Have a good journey home and well done:)
Sonia x

Deb said...

very, very, very happy to hear your news, how long will we have to wait to see them in the shop? Will they be the ones available in Sweden at the moment or all new designs?

Kim Dellow said...

This is fantastic news :) I love those stamps.

Well done and thank you :)

Tricia said...

What wonderful news! Will we in the US be able to purchase the Hanglar & Stanglar stamps from you as well? Will you offer their club? Yay!!!

Maggie said...

Brilliant news Karen - I am so pleased your hard work has paid off.
Look forward to seeing (buying!) all the stamps.
See you friday

~* Jay Jay *~ said...

Wow what great news! I'm one of the happy people who have a swedish friend and buy the cute stamps since last year, but I'm happy for all of the other unlucky stampers! I'll just tell all my sad friends about your good news =)

Jay Jay

Carmen said...

YEEEEEEAH! Great news Karen!!!! Good luck with the adoption. I'm sure that these little darlings found a nice, warm home at your place. I'm so excited. Please let us know when they will be available.

Karen (lindse) said...

This is HUGE! wohoo :) I am sure you will be getting a lot of orders from Denmark too!!

cats whiskers said...

OHHH!!!!!!! Thank you a hundred times. This is so wonderful. I needed a reason to give up smoking, and since I read your blog (the ones below this one) I knew this was the push I needed. I have not had a cigarette since 11am that may not seem a long time but is as absolute age for me. So thank you twice. Cannot wait
Hugs Jacqui xx Can you preorder
cos I will have everyone

Lia said...

I'm sooooo happy great news

Charlie said...

TG Marie decided to go abroad. I have "pested" her about it for more that a year now - telling her about all the lovely people crying their eyes out in Denmark and the UK - must spread the news here in DK. WELL DONE.....

Classroomfree said...

wow, wow, wow, that is fantastic news! Well done to those that have enabled this to happen!

Off to spread the word...

Jules x

Daan said...

This is the best news today for me

Lesley said...

Wow, this is great news. I've just found a lovely lady from Sweden that has been kind enough to purchased some of these stamps for me and is bringing them to a retreat in Holland this Friday so I was over the moon and now this news. I love most of the range, shall I just pay my salary directly to you, it would be quicker?!!!! thanks, Lesley

Betina said...

Yippiiii...i just love these stamps, so it's a very good news....now i just can't wait ;O)

Betina said...

Yippiii...i love these stamps, and i can't wait to order all of them.
Thank you for making the rest of my day so good ;O)

Unknown said...

Oh my god, do you realise you have just made everybody's dreams come true!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! lol

Absolutely fantastically blinking marvellous - you are a star Karen

Wahooooeeeee xx

Annie said...

beans by the case - check, new pencil sharpener - check! wow is this fantastic news!

Kim said...

Congratulations Karen

You are doing a grand job up there. Great news on your coup!

Unknown said...

Absolutely wonderful news - well done. There are MANY people very excited about this news! I don't like beans too much though so am going to feed us all Weetabix! Lol Lynn x

SugarBells said...

This is exciting news!! Glad everything went well and that you are safe, Karen! These stamps are gorgeous!!

Peechy said...

whooohooooo!!!!! H&A.... available here??!! thanks so much for this xxx

jay23 said...

WOHOO!!!! Hangler stamps in the uk. Thank you you made my day

CrazyCuteCards said...

Ow wow, this is great news. So I have to order more often ...LOL

Heidi said...

Im so happy for you all!

Hugs from

Treacle said...

OMG i'm so excited I can't wait for the little dahlings to arrive

Looks like i'll have to start saving now cos boy am I going to be skint when they arrive

Taavjax said...

*dances for joy*

Lim said...

Wow!! This is the best news ever!!
I hope they can have tons of stamps because the release is going to be HUGE!!
Everybody is waiting for this. WOW!!

Donalda said...

Oh that is the best news I have heard in ages. I love these little darlings. Thank you soooooooo very much for all you put into getting these stamps for us. Your the greatest !!!!!

Beth said...

OMG this is so exciting!! Can't wait to see them! xx

Kraftin' Kimmie said...

WHAT??? This is the best news I've heard........all YEAR!!! I can finally own my very own Hanglar stamps??? This is awesome!!! I can't wait!!!

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

nellies and hanglars - what more could a girl wish for???????????????????

hugs jane x

Shazza said...

fantastic news, I cannot wait

Monika said...

thats so fantastic news.Can we all order them from you (Funky Kits)also we live outside the UK?

Tracey said...

OMG this is fantastic news.
Thank you so much Karen

Tracey xxx

Sofie said...

I just want to say that it is so fun to read all your comments about this. Congratulations from one in Sweden.


Carol_F said...

Wow!!Awesome accomplishment. I've been checking the Hanglar site daily to see when they would finally share their adorable kids with us...You did it!!!
Gracias, Carol F.

Sarah said...

Fantastic news:) Can't wait!!!!

Unknown said...

Yay! great news, I can't wait :0)

Fiona x