High Five

On the fifth day of Christmas
Sugar Nellie gave to me

five gold rings.

This gift has all you need to make wedding cards, stamps papers and charms included.
The prizes just keep getting bigger :)

Sorry to be so late with this post, I picked up a nasty virus and my notebook crashed, not sure if I have managed to get rid of it all but at least I am online again.

Be careful what you google for...................... Christmas song lyrics for one!

You know the drill, just leave me a comment, you have to be in it to win it :)

Winner is
Blankiefinder said...
Ooh, sounds like an amazing prize! I hope your virus problems are all resolved, they can be so miserable!
December 6, 2009 5:25 AM

Congratulations :) email your addy to info@sugarnellie.com and we will send out your prize


Stampin Mindy said...

Thanks for the chance to win , I practically read your posts singing the 12 days of Christmas :)

Wendalyn said...

Sorry you are not feeling good..

BJ said...

You are sooo kind with all that you are handing out. I have fallen in love with your designes. My husband is going to kill me because I want them all. I hope you are feeling better. Now I have to find one of your images to work with to get in on the Dec. challenge. Thank You again for all you do for us.

Highland Handmade said...

Awww hope you are feeling better soon!!

Count me in please! xx

Arianne said...

That sounds like something I would like to have! ;0))

(BTW, I googled my all time favorite Christmassong last year and put it on my blog. Gotta love that 80's hair in "Do they know it's Christmas"?)

Mary said...

Oh no! I hope things are going better for you tonight. Thanks for the chance to win some goodies!


Random Acts of Krafting said...

The fifth day, five golden rings, I am up for that :)

Anonymous said...

sounds like "love"! thanks for another chance at your candy!
Pam Going Postal

Leah l'Orange said...

OOOHHH, this would be LOVELY, as i have two friends getting married in 2010 and i NEVER shop for wedding items!! *fingers crossed*

so, no gold rings with this one?

gina g said...

Gorgeous christmas candy, thank you for the chance. luv gina xx

Tasha said...

oh this is an awesome idea - fab way to celebrate advent
love tasha xx

Vanja said...

Oh, that is a fabulous prize!Thanks for a chance to win! :)
Sorry to hear about the virus.
Hugs, Vanja

Anne said...

Oh no hope it didn't cause any damage once again some fabulous candy sounds scrumptious thanks for the chance
Anne xx

Wilma said...

This is getting better and better -thanks sugar nellie - great fun each day!!

KJ said...

Hope you feel better soon, thanks for the chance to win, take care x

Kim said...

Ooooo wedding goodies! We have a wonderful family wedding coming up and I would love to win this goodie bag to share my love with my family! :) Thanks so much for the chance to win!
Big Hugs~ Kim


Thankyou for giving the chance to win,
Hugs Dianne xx

Christine said...

Oh, wedding cards. We all need those sometime! Such wonderful giveaways!!!


Rachel said...

Oh no!!! I hope that you and your notebook are feeling better!!

Sammi said...

Oooh,that sounds like a lovely package!!
Sorry to hear about your laptop! Silly viruses!

Mary Lou said...

Hi~~sorry to hear about the notebook virus :-( Great gift idea for wedding cards--can always use crafty items like that :D
Mary Lou

Loz said...

Sounds fab! Count me in!

Lynda Nielsen said...

oh so sad when you end up getting a virus and doing such an innocent thing like googling for song lyrics. =(
I'm glad to see you are back up and running though!
Thank you for the chance to win this wonderful "Prize"

Mina said...

oh no what a time to get a bug...send it packing with a hot toddy
Mina xxx

Summer Loving Gal said...

So sorry to hear you picked up a virus. Dang is nothing sacred these days!
Thanks for still taking time to post some prizes...very nice of you!

Rufus said...

Love my Sugar Nellies! Would love to add some more to the collection. Thanks for the chance!

Bumbles and Fairy-Tales said...

I hope you are feeling better :)

Mary C said...

What a nice surprise it would be to open up the box and see all the wonderful gifts for day 5!!! I look forward to each day to see what the next surprise will be.

Brandi said...

I will be sure not to google Christmas lyrics... hope your laptop is well! :)

Janelle said...

A wedding gift set sounds wonderful. I hope both you and your computer begin to feel better!

Christine said...

Ooh, sounds like an amazing prize! I hope your virus problems are all resolved, they can be so miserable!

Carisa said...

I am so in it!!! LOL Sorry about the virus - you're lucky you got back up so quickly. I got a bad one last year and never recovered my pc - i was grateful to just get all my pics. :( Take care!

Jenny said...

Hope your computer feels better. Thanks for the chance to win!


Jessica said...

I'd love to win some sugar nellie goodness... thanks for the chance!

Jodi said...

Thanks for the chance to win a Christmas package :)

Annie said...

HOpe your computer is sorted now - did loads of googling for Christmas song lyrics last week - I must have been lucky as didn't catch a thing.
Have a great day - won't be able to comment again while Tuesday but have a good time everyone and good luck.
Ann xxx

K said...

These prizes do get bigger and bigger! That's so cool from you :) Bye, Kitty

Anonymous said...

Maybe 5th time is!!! Love your stamps!

Jane (Carroll's Creations) said...

very generous

glad pc better :)

hugs jane x

rumble said...

Glad to be in it - now if only I could win it - lol

Alison M. said...

To win this would be so useful as our son James has just got engaged to his lovely girlfriend Issy! :D Ding, Dong the bells are going to chime! Thanks for the opportunity of winning. :) Alison M.

Julye said...

I never bothered much with advent calenders etc ,I made one for my son but as I'm not bothered about chocolate it never was much fun opening the doors but I 'm really enjoying having the chane to recieve some really special non chocolate non fattening candy. Thank you Julye

Ria Zonnestraaltje said...

Ahh hope you feel better soon.
hugs Ria

Annelies said...

Thanks for another chance to win!

Marion said...

So sorry you have had a nasty virus. It is the pits isn't it. Glad you are up and running again. Thanks once again for a chance at some christmas goodies.

SemSee said...

Ooh, this prize sounds exciting! Thanks for the chance Karen! Hugs, Sem x

Margreet said...

hope your virus will soon be over....just as the problems with your notebook.........wish you a very good sunday!
xxx Margreet

Judi said...

I'm getting more and more excited by the day!

Hope I'm lucky.

Judi xx

Anne said...

Wow, another lovely give away :-)


Moni said...

I hope you are ok now and your computer too! Hugs,moni

Anonymous said...

Ohhh don't you just love Chrissy:) thanks for the chance to win.

Debbie (Little Gingham Bear) said...

and a partridge in a pear tree! lol!

Unknown said...

Awesome - I have a few of those to make in the next coming months.

PinksyDoodles said...

I hope you have seen the last of the virus.
Thank you for another chance to win.
Clare x

Annelies said...

So sorry to hear about the virus, I had it last year two times in a short period. Luckily my brother in law managed to save everything. Greetings from Belgium, Annelies

belinda said...

What a nice candy again! It sure gets beter every day! Thanks again, greets Belinda

Debs said...

wow ,your prizes just keep getting better!!thanks again..Debs x

Andreja - kokos said...

Thanks for the chance to win!

Hugs, Andreja

☼ Cheryl* said...

I hope you have your notebook sorted now!

Lisa said...

Hi, Thanks so much for the chance to win.

Lisa x

Sian said...

Hope your notebook is ok now.

Julie said...

Wow, now this sounds intriguing!! Sorry about your virus, I have a personal one at the moment - darn cold!! Thanks for all the gorgeous sugar you're heaping on us at the moment! Juliex

Crafting Andy said...

Don't know if I'm too late with this one. But I'm here. Loving the advent thing.
Hugz Andrea Reid

Naoual said...

Thanks for the chance!!

xx Naoual

jude said...

Wow thanks agian for another chance to win .Hope your feeling better.
hugs judex

Liza said...

This advent calendar is such fun. Thanks for the chance to win.

Liza x

Ali Watson said...

OH sounds fab....Weddings are in the air in our house for a year in May when my oldest daughter is getting married. Hope you don't have anymore probs with your notebook.

Penni said...

What great fun I'm having with your Advent Candy!!!


Maria Therese said...

This sounds like the yummiest of prices!!

Anne said...

Ugh hope you've got rid of the virus - and that it's just virtual not a real one for you - thanks for the chance to win candy again :)

Katie Berberich Handmade said...

I hope you are on the mend and will be better for Christmas :)
Thanks for the chance to win xx

Karen said...

Oh this sounds like a fab prize, would love to win this one. Hope all is well with your computer now.
Karen x

Kathi said...

I hope you feel better soon.
Big Hugs Kathi

Beccy said...

Everything for wedding cards - Sugar Nellie put the two together it has to be gorgeous.
So hopefully I'm in it and I will keep my fingers crossed to win it!

Hugs Beccy x

Eijgenraam Orchideeen said...

I'm in for some gold rings!

Anita said...

Yes I would like to win.

xx Anita

melissa75 said...

Hope you feel better soon.

Peggy said...

Good Morning! Another great gift to win!

Alleena Burger said...

I love Sugar Nellie Stamps!! Thanks for the chance to ring some more ;)

Wiccababe said...

hope the notebook's fine now Karen, enjoy the rest of your weekend

Littleminx said...

Hi Karen

Just loving your advent presents. Would just love to win this little bit of sweetness as I have five weddings this spring!



tracy said...

oh my goodness its getting very exciting!
thanks for chance to win
tracy x

paperlilycards and die cuts said...

loving your xmas candy
sammie xx

liza said...

hope you feel better soon,thankyou for the chance of winning some fab advent candy
love n hugs

paperlilycards and die cuts said...

love your xmas candy idea

NGCARDS said...

keeping my fingers crossed :) Happy Crafting! xxx

Gunilla said...

Love the rhyme and your pressies.
hug Gunilla

Kristin said...

Too bad you got virus. Nasty little things indeed! :(

Have a nice Sunday! :)

IssyB said...

Fantastic prize this time especially as i am getting married soon! I love all the Sugar Nellie products so these are sure to be lovely too! Issy x

Annie said...

I'm just back on line and had the SN blog at the top of my list for catching up! Such fun to join in and thank you so much for all the fabulous stamps you bring us throughout the year.
hugs, annie x

Whimsey said...

Yes, amazing what viruses are out there when you're searching for something so benign, eh? :(

Hope the computer is fixed and safe again; hope YOU are feeling much better too. Thanks for the chance to win!!

amanda stokes said...

More fab pizes to play with
hugs amanda x

Lauretta See said...

wow!!! love your prizes :))

paola said...

Loving all this sweet candy, thanks for the chance

Mariyca said...

Thanks again for this great give-away!

Sheri said...

Well, number 1 never wins but then I am excited to be the first to comment anyway. Thanks for the chance to win! I love checking out your blog everyday

Kat said...

More great candy Karen. How generous are you? Thanks for the chance to win. Hope your notebook is feeling better lol!!

Kat x

Kim. said...

Oh no I was just about to wish you better when I realised it was your computer you was talking about lol although I do hope you have fixed it. As for the prize weddings & babies are the two categories of which I have the least items for so keeping thoise fingers crossed.
Kim xXx

craftyrufus said...

Another fantastic candy from the house of sugar!

Josephine said...

Sounds so intriguing!

Thanks for the chance to win ...


leia said...

What great gifts you've been offering - it's really generous x

Anonymous said...

Hi, my true love made me.... a very nice card for the challenge. Her is mine

thanks for looking and good luck
hugs Margreet

Joey said...

eeeek Karen I hope you managed to catch all the virus and get rid, grrrr!. Thanks again for todays chance :O)


tanjaak said...

Yay, wan´t some candy.

Susie said...

Hope your feeoling better - I love this advent thingy!!

Unknown said...

Thank you again for all these chances to win such fab goodies

Jan x

Tracey said...

I hope your computer woes are over. Thanks for the chance to win some more goodies! :)

Theresa Dagostino Forge said...

Thanks for the chance!! Hope I can win a great prize from you~

Nyten said...

wow, love to win this price!!!!

Danielle T said...

Thank you so very much for bringing a smile every day, You are the epitome of Christmas cheer!

Donna said...

What a lovely surprise that would be.....and perfect for those wedding cards.
Donna xx

Ruthie said...

Hey High Five back at Ya! Thanks for the warning - I am terribly indiscrimate when I am chasing around the internet for something - glad to hear you are back up and running again.


kc_froglady said...

Oh me please I need wedding stuff as we are preparing to make my dd's wedding invites :)

Catherine Kraft said...

Ohhhhhhh, I hope you get to feeling better!!! Your 12 days of Christmas is a fun adventure. Wedding....... we had a big wedding in our family this year as our Son was married. This would be fun to add to the wedding pictures I will be scrapping.

Hugs and feel better.....


Jane said...

sorry to hear about your computer problems, don't you just wish these people had something better to do! Thank you so much for the chance to win another gorgeous prize! hugs, Jane xx

Georgina said...

Sorry you havent been well, hope you feel better soon. I cant believe Christmas is coming so quickly!

Cherry said...

Happy day five - gold rings MMMMM. Hugs CherryXXX

Stacie (craft-princess) said...

Thanks so much for a chance to win!

Melissa said...

Ooh! I have a lot of friends getting married in the coming year, so this present would be perfect! Thank you for the chance to win!

Nikki said...

Sorry to hear you caught a nasty little virus Hope you managed to clean it all out
thanks for the chance
hugs Nikki

Diamond Doll said...

OOOH i so love Christmas!! thanx for the chance of winning such yummy goodies.
Trish (-:

kaz_za's crafty corner said...

soz 2 hear about your virus... for a moment there i thought you where ill not your comp....!! hope everything gets sorted soon...!!!!

Alison L said...

Hi wow sounds a lovely gift. Please enter me - thanks for the opportunity to won. Regards Alison

scrappyjacky said...

This sounds intriging....bound to be gorgeous.

Jill said...

oohh Karen thanks again for the chance to win, hope you manage to get the virus removed hugs Jill xx