SOS~ Share on Sunday

Another week gone by and we are starting to panic here at home, less than 3 months until the wedding and a few things to sort out yet. Debbie finishes in Glasgow the middle of the month and there is a local wedding fare on the 20th that I hope she can attend and complete all the details there and then. But she has managed to wangle 10 days in Canada at a family wedding in June, lucky girl once again.


I'm writing this on Thursday, I am still waiting for the key's to the new store, I could be rushed off my feet by Sunday. I am sitting pondering why solicitors make such a meal of everything, talk in there own language so that you are incapable of working it out for yourself.

Frustrations are high as I sit wait for the two solicitors to ping pong letters between themselves. Yeah I know why they do it, after all who else can get off with charging £300 per letter these days. Solicitors are old school, reluctant to use email because you cant charge enough for that, pulling the job out for as long as they can, it's a brother hood that really needs taken into modern times.


Katie is continuing with her training under Kate's watchful eye at the HOS, mothers and daughters don't work too well together when one is clearly the boss, a favourite catch phrase in their child hood was "your not the boss of me".

So I will leave the two of them to get on with it, unpacking new stock, pricing it, packing it and sometimes making sample with it.
By the time you have 50 nesties cut out you do know how to do it,
we are working on that way of training,
I guess by now Katie can may rosette's in her sleep,
what shall we task her with next?


What do I have to share with your this Sunday...............

I just love these wee scrabble tiles which have been covered with tiny pictures and glazed over.
There are so many to choose from but today I will share these

this one is for Erika, our local Queen of Muffins

You can buy/down load sheets of assorted inchies to cut and stick on, every theme is covered and
you will find one to suit someone you  know with great ease.
You can use scraps of your favourite scrap book papers too.
 Make up your own collage with tiny words etc.

Want to know how its done, here is the link to where I buy my supplies ( still waiting to be played with)

 and they tell you how it's done.

so did you find anything PINTERESTING this week?

Pop over and she what these girls found...


Fiona said...

oh these are fab Karen....I have never seen them before but I need to check them out!!

Be back soon with my share.


mixamatoasties said...

Poor old muffins! I don't care if they're ugly I'd eat them.....

My first link didn't work but I can't delete it! Sorry.

Susan x

Shazza said...

oooh only 3 months to go, how exciting. Agree with you about solicitors, archaic!!
Love the tiles, have never seen this before so will check out your link. Will also try to find something to share, have a good Sunday x

Erika said...

Really Karen, ugly?! LOL made me giggle I have added my response on my SOS. Great jewelry, love it.

Erika aka pro muffin queen!