
the beginning of the end

Those of you who are part of the face book groups already know that I had made the hard decision to close Sugar Nellie.

For a variety of reasons we have not added any new art work and without which we were going no where.

This has had a knock on effect at as they are our online partner who sold all our new releases world wide for the last 9 years.

My life has changed as have my priorities, its time to let this one go.
Its been a lot of fun, many amazing people, much excitement and a lot of learning along the way. Thank you for joining me on this journey, your support and encouragement has been unmeasurable.

There is also a lot of rubber to find loving homes for and the sale of Sugar Nellie rubber stamps is underway.

Other brands that Funkykits stock will also be added over time.

Heartfelt thanks for all your support and love. Karen