
November News

Well girls, we are now in November , this is the month the new babies are due. Will they be here by next weekend? Well I hope so! LOL

I have some more candy boxes to give away and todays box will go to one happy cardmaker somewhere over the rainbow, way up high.........

Trick or treat,smell my feet

give me something good to eat

give me candy give me cake

give me somthing good to take......................

In my house we are overloaded with candy, monkey nuts just don't hit the spot.

As a child what was your fav sweetie/candy?

A tip down memory lane, spangles, rainbow drops, lucky tatties.....................


  1. Sugar...Did you say sugar? Count me in...Who can resist sugar?
    Not me. When I was a kid I loved candy corn, well really anything with sugar. Thanks for a chance.

  2. M & M's were my favorite as a child (I think you call them smarties!)

  3. Hmmm quarter or Sherbert Lemons, Cola Cubes or Sweet Peanuts please :) YUMM

  4. Tootie Fruities, the garage round the corner has started selling these again so any Nellies who make their way to my home can enjoy them too :)

  5. Sherbet dib dabs. NO question. Confession: Sometimes I still buy them just for me...

  6. My favourite when I was kid was a bag of penny sweets (halfpenny sweets too!). White chocolate mice, pink shrimp, coconut mushrooms, cola bottles and loads more. Yumm :-)

  7. Ooh, my favourite sweets were gummy bears! Closely followed by M&Ms.

  8. oooo,I used to love pineapple chunks ...cola cubes and apple drops...something nice & sweet & crunchy....!!!

    And if it wasnt sweets i was buying it was a chocolate walnut whip and jackie magazine!

  9. Black jacks and fruit salads, lovely mouth watering as I type
    Lisa x

  10. Just like your picture Jelly Tots for me, love em, still do. As soon as I saw the picture it brought back memories.

  11. Any news on Eva, has she had her baby?

  12. I used to love the little drawstring bags of golden nuggets and also sweet tobacco, I think it was made of coconut?. Do you remember them or am I getting old????

  13. My favourite would just have to be spangles.. Why don't they still make them?? mmmm.

    I used to suck 'em and lick 'em until the centre wore through and I could attach it to my tongue.. lol.. Oh the fun!!! (and it's just not the same with the ready made hole in the polo!)

  14. Hmm I loved Cola Cubes, Sherbet lemons or Ice Cups - My gran used to take me to buy a 2oz bag on a Friday after school.

  15. jelly tots! I used to get a tube of them for Christmas

  16. ooooooh fizzy cola bottles ~ and not just when i was little...!

  17. Another vote here for tutty fruties, though I have very fond memories of buying McCowans Highland toffee from Shewans the Bakers - they seemed absolutely huge then!!!

    Golden Nuggets, I'd forgotten all about them - what a wonderful trip down memory lane! Didn't they turn into bubblegum when you chewed them, or am I getting my memories mixed up?!?!

  18. Sugar, yes please!! As a child I loved what my mam called "a bag of rubbish", lots of penny sweets in a bag. In them days you got loads for 10p. God that makes me sound old!! Chocolate mice, refreshers, bananas, candy cigarettes. Ooooh!!

  19. I forgot to ask, what on earth are lucky tatties?!?! Don't think I ever saw those on the shelves in the sweetie shop in Elgin!!

  20. oh its most definitely got to be sherbert pips or pineapple cubes!!! yummy

  21. Lucky tattie Pam were odd looking candy pancakes made of stuff like edinburgh rock but covered in a powdery cinamon with a plastic charm inside. Shame you missed them as I dont think they will make a come back!

  22. Oh my, what a flash from the past.
    Mine was Rainbow Kalie. I used to suck my finger and dip it in and end up with a red finger and belly ache.If Dad went to the allotment he'd bring some rubarb so I would dip that in too...double belly ache!

  23. rhubarb and custard for me!! mmmm,
    used to love those! cola cubes too, AliM just reminded me of those!

  24. tutti fruities here too- My late grandfather used to take me to the shop every time I went round to get a bag, penny sweets too particularly shrimps (they just aren't the same now) caramac bars (YAY they are back) and choc lick!

  25. Sweeties yum, my fav as a child must have been fruit salads and black jacks as you got 3 for a penny, a HUGE bag with 10p pocket money plus the added bonus of a BLACK tongue to scar my little brother with!

  26. I love Rainbow Drops. Our local supermarket sell great big bags of them and I have just munched half a bag of them. I keep dropping them down my jumper - luckily they catch in my bra and I can still eat them LOL!!!!!

  27. I hated Butterfingers and LOVED Nestle Crunch bars...and 100,000 bars...yum!!


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