
Christmas is comming

I know its just August and some of you have not even had your summer holidays yet, but today I had to take delivery of the Christmas tree for the new store, no its not real, but by the end of the month it will be jingle bells all the way.............

Sadly we will not be getting any more images from Rachelle :(

But we have Honey and Pip Christmas range designed by Elisabeth Bell which are due back in stock this week.

I have found a replacement for Rachelle on our stamp design team, I am very pleased that yet again Sugar Nellie will bring something new and different to the stamp world.

No news on hAnglar yet but I know that Marie is working on it and that in Sweden they are only back to work this month.


  1. Karen are you running card/Christmas classes soon then?
    I know you are busy with new shop but just wondered.
    Love tina x

  2. I can't wait until you are able to atock those Hanglars. I am trying to be patient but it is soooo hard. Jeanette

  3. hihihih christmas at the end of august... it's very cosy then! I'm looking forward to the new stamps and I'm very curious!!!

  4. That is sad about Rachelle, but I'm sure you found an equally fabulous replacement, can't wait to see the new stamps :D!

  5. Looking forward to the H&S Stamps and VERY much looking forward to your NEW stamps under the Sugar Nellie name. I have no doubt they will be fabby! Lol Lynn x

  6. Oh it is never to early to get started on Christmas that is for sure. Can't wait to hear about the replacement for Rachelle. I know that it will be a good one with you picking them.
    Well no news about the hanglars is better than bad news so we will just wait till you tell us THERE HERE LOL

  7. Christmas? I'm still waiting for summer!
    Can't wait to see the new stamps and I'm still sitting quietly, patiently waiting for the Hanglars
    Is There anywhere I can get a list of classes that may be coming up at your new shop
    Fi (aka sugarplum)

  8. Can't wait to see the new designers work..."new" is always good! bx


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