

It is the first day of Autumn here in Scotland, and with that I have been playing with the backgrounds again. This is about as much as I can do as I was never meant to be too technically challenged.

Over in the forum things are getting a bit busy, I know that the time differences around the world make it hard for everyone to be online at once, but the forum will be open for the next week to let you get to know each other and visit blogs and see what each of you create with your sweet sugar nellie stamps.

I have seen so lovely autumn themed cards, using beautiful printed vintage prima flowers, I love the warm colour of browns and greens and I must make time to make a few cards and send them "just because". You don't always need a reason to send a card and with so many beautiful cards on you desk, its a shame to leave them there when they could be such a nice surprise to a friend when she opens her daily post. SO make that your challenge for today, pick a card and send it to a friend in the post....................just because you can.


  1. I missed the start of the party, kept looking in the morning, thought I had the wrong day. Now I am having problems getting onto the forum aarrgghhhh.... I want to join in the fun and I can't boo..hoo.... :0(
    Joanne x

  2. You're absolutly right, I have so many I'll send a card today 'just because'.... and to someone who needs a card!

  3. I can't get to the party in time. I am going to pout!!!!!!! Maybe on the weekend I can try to get there.
    I think this is a wonderful idea, you guys are always just full of great ideas. So love all you do dear.


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