
Karen where are you?

We have a lovely customer who call at the Papercrafts Store, if you remember the beautifully coloured Ebony cards last month?
Karen works up in Inverness some half hour drive and in shear panic sent Bob, her very obedient other half, into the store to get some Christmas stamps yesterday. As I handed these over I did say "she's the first to have these you know as everyone else has theirs in the postal system" I checked her blog last night and this morning, expecting the first creations with the Christmas nothing!

So if you are reading this Karen, on your works computer (naughty naughty) I am a bit deflated that you took time to eat and sleep after a hard days work and not to stamp and create? I was sure you would be the first online but something more important must have come up last night!?:P

ETA: Karen has the flu and not up to finnishing her cards, get well soon and we will be looking out for some fabby colouring in on you blog.

But I will be watching to see who has the first card up with the new stamps........who will it be?

He it is, glad you are felling better Karen and thank your for treating Santa so well :)


  1. Hi Karen,

    Yes I have let you down haven't I. I seem so have a flu bug and did get the santa coloured in last night, but had to give up and go to bed after that. Will try harder this evening!!

    It did make me laugh when Bob said that you would be expecting to see a card last night as I knew that it what you would have thinking!!

    Karen x

    Karen x

  2. tomorrow I have one coming up!
    hugs, annie x

  3. Hi Karen,

    Just a short note to let you know that I have now posted a card with the new santa - he is fab.

    Here he is

    Karen x

  4. I love it, these stamps are just brilliant and so clear, mine came today, i was really excited when i saw the postie with his pink package!!!

    Love Pops x x x

  5. I really really *LOVE* snowmen!!! And I'm in love with the new stamps - AND Karens card! Beautifully done, Karen :o)
    Love & Smiles


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