

I want to smack the people who continue to sell stamped images when it is clearly stated in our Angle Policy and it is a blatant violation of our copyright. I feel very strongly about this, it is hugely damaging to the stamp companies and I have discussed this subject only last week with the representative of Penny Black. I know that Hanglar & Stanglar feel the same and I do read other stamp companies Angel Policy to see if they too are aware of this bad practice.

I have today emailed 4 Internet sites to make them aware that they are in fact violating our copyright. If the images stay on their website for sale I will name and shame them.

I did not wish to bring this to your attention but the disrespect shown to us, our artists and you our paying customers has angered me greatly.
How can we grow and flourish when other people take advantage of our hard work. Copyright is a can of worms but in our case it clearly says NO SELLING OF STAMPED IMAGES, how much clearer do we need to be, or are these "cowboys" not interested in rules only making money by selling our artwork and that of other stamp companies against copyright law.

Angel Policy
Sugar Nellie welcomes artists who would like to use our stamp images in their own hand-stamped craftwork that they produce to sell. Therefore, we give permission in the form of a limited license to use any Sugar Nellie stamp images for the purpose of creating craftwork for sale, under the following criteria:Each craftwork created for sale must be personally and individually hand-stamped by the selling artist and may not be reproduced or copied in any form by any means, graphic, electronic, or mechanical, including photocopying. Mass production, assembly-line construction, production by workers for hire, or syndication of hand-stamped craftwork for sale is strictly prohibited. This includes selling stamped sheets. All Sugar Nellie images are copyrighted, which means that they may not be copied without permission.


  1. I can imagine it must be really bloody annoying for you. I wouldn't like someone flogging something I had put my hear and sould into either

  2. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  3. I must be living under a rock, I didn't even know people did this! Shame on them! I appreciate (and I'm sure others do as well) your angel policy that allows me to use your stamps to make cards that I then sell. Of course then I use the money to buy more stamps... but that's beside the point! : )

    I suppose if you want to look on the bright side, it IS a form of flattery...

  4. I have not heard of people selling stamped images and I am sorry your stamps are being exploited in this way. I enjoy using your stamps and very much enjoy putting my creative input on them. I could never use a stamp and call it my own work, it is unfair to the artist and would be untruthful to acknowledge it as my own work and to be perfectly honest there would be absolutely no satisfaction for me if I did. Please don't let those people put you off sharing your fabulous creations with us for me in particular and for many crafters I'm sure it would be such a sad loss as I for one could not create a stamp anything like those of your artists and I do very much appreciate their beautiful work.

  5. I didn't realize people did this either - crazy!!! I know people SWAP images or give them to others as gifts but SELLING them?? That just has WRONG written ALL over it!!!!

  6. Oh, so sorry to hear that! That is horrible. I HATE copiers for profit!!!!!
    You should PM us over at SCS the names, so we can each send them our own personal opinions on the matter.

    Hope you get some resolution!

  7. I think this was a good idea to share your angry with us. Maybe there are some of those who sell the images that will read this and feel guilty. I hope this will stop at least on those ssides you wrote to. I buy my stamps from you and are very happy to share with my sister who can not afford to buy those. Glad you make all those beautifull creations. Keep making us happy with each new stamp!

  8. This is understandably very annoying for you ... I personally wouldn't consider buying stamped images. I like to stamp my own on the card I like and ink I prefer. Stamping your own also means you can add backgrounds and other details, and cut the image how you want.
    I LOVE your stamps and would rather own my own than buy .. speaking of which the latest Leanne Elis set fell in my basket this morning and hopefully will be with me soon!!

    One little question ... will you be considering do a range of accessory stamps, eg trees, backgrounds?
    Have a great weekend and try not to be too cross/upset Karen.
    Cathy xx

  9. I couldn't agree more! It really gets right up both nostrils when people buy images rather than the stamps themselves - it's just not right. Lol Lynn ♥

  10. I saw some people selling stamped images on eBay. That's a shame...
    I totally understand your anger.. It's not fear for any of us, specially for the artist and the companies that sell their work to us.. I hope this will stop. Good Luck.



  11. Many thanks for being so honest and frank about this subject, as an artist i have the same problems,The sad thing is it costs so much to sue for breech of copyright no one bothers, and the problem is never squashed. I hope things get better soon, take care and happy crafting.

  12. To be honest, I don't understand people who buy stamped images either.

    I'd say most of us are quite particular about what cardstock/inkpad we use for different colouring mediums, for start. But most importantly - it's unethical and BAD VALUE as well, since you only buy images and can't stamp them yourself however many times you want.

    Ehhh, hoping I make sense here. :D

  13. I'm sorry this is happening to you! I love your angel policy, as I think it is very generous!! I also was not aware of this practice. I am waiting for my new Gorjuss Girls to arrive as we speak-they will be my first Sugar Nellies! Sp please know that most of us enjoy your stamps and use them honorably!!

  14. Oh dear, I'm going to say that I am very sorry but I have bought stamped images from ebay, I did'nt know it was a breach of copyright, whether you beleive me or not I don't want or need to try and convince you, now I know, I will stop doing it. My reason for buying the stamped images was basically I don't have a lot of stamps and unlike some lucky folk who seem to be financially better off than me I cannot always afford to spend £10 on stamps. I am not looking for absolution or to be a target for anyone to vent their anger on, as I said, now I know I will stop. Thank you for bringing this to everyones attention.x

  15. I worked in the past for a company as a copyright manager. You would not believe the things I saw out there around the world wide web.
    I understand your frustration and am here if you need any assistance.

    Take care and best of wishes in this unending battle of doing whats right.

  16. I have purchased a few stamped images from other companies to help me decide which stamps to buy. If I hadn't bought the images first I would not have gone on to buy the stamps. Buying stamped images encourages me to by more stamps; not less.

  17. I'm sorry this has happened to you!

  18. Well said. It's crucial to act as well as complain as otherwise nothing is done. I think it's very wrong to make money this way and it does cheapen the brand in many ways. I LOVE stamps more than the images they create in truth (!!)so the idea of buying bits of cardboard doesn't float my boat! People work very hard to design, create, promote and so forth stamps-it's stealing to sell the images and those who buy are comitting theft too and sours the otherwise good name of rubber stampers.

  19. This isnt right and I do feel for you. I am having a few images sent to me to try so I can decide which ones I want to buy the stamps, these are crafty friends who are stamping a few for me as a RAK and NOT SELLING THE IMAGES. I couldnt afford the whole set and to be honest not sure I wanted the whole set so I will test drive the images and decide which singles to buy ;0) The Leanne Ellis however was a different matter and I brought that set!

    Keep all the beautiful stamps coming

  20. you should name and shame them. They shouldn't be selling them full stop x

  21. So did Tracy get a big smack for copying Gails ideas and having them in the Craft Stamper magazine this month. Gail must be fuming, practice what you preech SN.

  22. As you say copyright is a can of worms!!! I used to make fimo badges and sell them at craft fairs in the late 80's early 90's. Copying happened to me and it is not nice, but unless you are a large multi-national there is little one can do as it is costly to fight. All the best. I say shame them.

  23. In reply to Righters comment, have you any idea how many months in advance things are made for a magazine? I am now having girls put things together for the summer.

    I am not sure what it is your are pointing at but I am sure you are wrong, both Tracy and Gayle are very talented and work with Sugar Nellie a lot, using the same stamps etc. ALL my girls are very talented.

  24. Good on you for posting this! Not only to shame (if that's possible) the offenders, but to educate the general population who may have accidentally fostered this behavior.

    In this world economy, I fear for the little stamp companies. You all offer us stampers such an amazing variety of stamps, it would be a loss to all if you all had to shut down. This kind of practise only HURTS you all. I wish you luck. Hugs, michelle

  25. I love to buy stamps, and would never buy a stamped image. I'm sorry to hear this is happening to you. Good luck in getting it sorted, we are all behind you. Lynne x


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