
Hello sugar addicts

Back to work today in the House of Sugar, after our little trip across the border we are home with lots of new ideas. A few sweet promotions on the table, new artwork arriving from the Sugar Nellie illustrators, a new contract in the post and lots of great ideas to follow up.

The girls over at the Sugar Bowl have been busy, lots of sweet creations which are a delight to see. Thank you girls for all your hard work, your participation is very much appreciated.

It was lovely to meet up with Marlene, we will all have a brilliant time in July, I cant wait.
But for the rest of the week we will be busy with Gorjuss Girls and then its time to see what you all do with them.

Its a while since we gave away some candy and with 250 followers its time to share out the sweeties. If you are a follower, watch out I am going to be following you and picking some candy winners.
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  1. Glad you had a fabulous time Karen. This happy sugar addict was told to order the GORJUSS girls as an extra Valentine gift from my fab hubby WOOOHOOOOO can't wait for these beauties to land on my doormat. I'm getting the colours and papers ready for there arrival :) Have a fab week.

  2. Glad you had a fab time, can't wait to see the new designs and a new designer..... can't wait!
    I'm a follower so have everything crossed ;0)
    Joanne x

  3. So glad you had a wonderful time dear. I can't wait to see all the new goodies you are bringing us.

  4. oooooo new things, can't wait to hear more (in due course of course)

    love the new boy stamps, and looking forward to all the other new things that are coming

  5. glad to hear you had a great time. The new stamps all sound exciting. I've only just figured out how to register as the follower of the blog despite having been around from the start tough I've changed from Fiona to sugarplum Keeping fingers crossed for some sugar

  6. Good to here you had a great time. Did you hit the trade show? I just came on to tease myself with a peek at the gorjuss girls again. I can't wait for these stamps to arrive. It seems like forever since I ordered them x x

  7. Oh you do spoil us all with all these new things - I can't wait...

  8. Glad you had a good time and can't wait to see all the gorgeous designs with the new stamps!


  9. What a wonderful update!
    I'm so glad you had a good time, I wished I had been able to pick up the Gorjuss Girls when they were preordered,but alas the economy has bit me in the tush. I have been a fan of Suzanne's for just over two years now.

    Fantastic stuff all over! Thank you so much for all the Sugar you share!

  10. I'm glad you are home safe and sound, plus had a good time. Your girls and boys are just fabulous, and although I could not participate ($$) in the pre-order, they are still on the top of my wish list. Hugs, Linda S. in NE


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