
More more and a little more

Art work that is, there are more stunning Sugar Nellie stamps on their way.

We are delighted to have Linda's much loved characters Maggie and Hamish back, its been such a long time I am sure they will be new to a lot of our customers.

Leanne Ellis arty range, something a little different and appealing to many.

Diane Duda has her first range of stamps to be launched in a few more weeks.

Country Cousins, a total of 5 girls coming to you this month, many phone calls and emails about when these will be available, soon very soon.

Eva has drawn some cutie animals, simple but whimsical.
She has also been working on teenagers, something you all asked for and again we listened.

That's almost something from all our artists, the new Mary Hall and Suzanne Woolcott are both going well and I am sure there are many of you waiting for a sugar fix to drop in your letter box soon.

I will be back later with a few peeks and a chance to win some yummy candy.


  1. s new Maggies & Hamish's!!!!
    not wanting to soon impatient or anything....but soon??? hehehe

    look forward to seeing new stamps.
    don't work too hard
    love tina xx

  2. Wheee!! *does the happy dance*
    I'll be BROKE - but I'll be broke and HAPPY!! :D

    And it's GREAT news that the GG's are being shipped, too!
    *runs off to start stalking the mailman*

  3. Sounds like you are going to be busier than ever and we are going to be even broker lol But so love the sugar@!!!!!

  4. really pleased to hear about new Maggie and Hamish stamps, and also more for teens. Had to curb the spending for a minute or two as my bank card had been hijacked and I had to wait while the bank cancelled it and sent a replacement.

  5. I'm so glad Maggie & Hamish are back, YAY! Maggie was my first stamp from Sugar them! Looks like lots to look forward to! :) ~Hugs

  6. Oh sweet goodness! I can't to see all the new sugar you've got headed our way!

  7. sounds like there are lots of exciting stamps still to come. Good to hear Hamish and Maggie are going to be reappearing they were my first sugar nellies and I still love them. The teenager stamps sound interesting too

  8. So looking forward to seeing the Diane Duda images. :) and the others of course too.


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