
A huuuuuuuge hellooooo from me!!!!!

Ooooooooh, my first post here on the Sugar Nellie blog!!!! How scary .. it has taken me a while to pluck up the courage to post over here I can tell you!!! Boy is it exciting though too!! I am sooo lucky to have been asked by Karen to help her out with the blog and am looking forward to getting to know lots of you lovely Sugar Addicts!!!

I am sooo pleased that you all seem to love the new look blog, it makes all the hard work worth while when you know that it is appreciated!! There are still a few little bits that need tweaking, but you can see the way that the blog is going now for sure!! Next thing on my list to do is some new banners for all you lovely Sugar Babes :), you can all match the new look SN blog too then!!

We have big things planned for the Sugar Nellie blog, we are gonna be posting tutorials for you all, i will be doing some step by step instructions to help you make some of the gorgeous DT cards and i am looking at doing spotlights on YOU!!! So i shall be keeping my beady little eyes open for sweet stuff on your blogs to publish right here!!

Of course, this blog is very much for you the reader, so if you have any ideas you would like to see happen on the Sugar Nellie blog, please feel free to let me know!!

Now, its only fair having made you read all this text i leave you with some eye candy isn't it!!! Look at this gorgeous card made by the fabulous Deena!!

How fabulous is that!! She has used the gorgeous Martha, one of the new Sugar and Spice images available here at Funky Kits. I loooove the deep reds in her dress against those gorgeous sunflowers - perfectly complimented with that pretty paper!! For more details on Deena's fabulous card and for a peek at the tag she has hiding behind the image you can find this card posted on her blog here. I shall leave you all now to scoot off and check out Deena's gorgeous card!

Zoe x x


  1. Zoe, you have worked so hard and the new blog is looking fantatic, you should be very proud of your work!! Sounds like you have big plans, can't wait to see the tutorials!!
    hugs Angela x

  2. Wow you have done a brilliant job, will be dropping in regularly to be inspired. Hugs

  3. Love the new fresh look....well done you!

  4. Good morning Zoe, wow you have done such a fabulous job of this blog hunny, you should be very pleased with yourself, your talents sieze to amaze me!!!!!! i am hopefully back to my blogging, ive missed it. Hopefuly this year is going to be better for us all!

    Happy 2010 to you hunny hope you've slowed down a bit miss your emails! hugs Linda x

  5. Hi Zoe!the new blog is fab,lovin it!!!looking forward to more fab posts fom you :)
    I Looooove Martha too and after seeing this mega gorge card i want her even more!!!
    keep up the fab work
    hugs amanda xx

  6. Can't wait to see what you have in store for us from the House of Sugar. I have just ordered the stamp at the top of the page as I think she is just so gorgeous.

    I love the card created by Deena its great and I think this stamp will have to be purchased by me very soon!

    Could I just say many thanks for the gorgeous 10 stamps I won on the 10th day in the 12 days of Christmas. I can't wait to get using them.

    Keep up your good work.

    Jayne xx

  7. Hi Zoe,
    I love it all. I am very excited for you and actually smiled as I read your entry.

    I love Deena's card, it is absolutely beautiful!!! The paper, coloring and image are amazing. I look forward to all the exciting plans you have for us. Sending you a blog hug Delia

  8. This card is adorable I love these papers and the new blog looks great! Great 1st post!

  9. Hi Zoe & welcome to Sugar Nellie. You have done a fantastic job on the blog, its so fresh and friendly looking. Can;t wait until the banners come out, my blog could do with a serious face lift (a bit like myself). Anyway, going to try out the challenge over at the Sugarbowl and see how I get on. Bye 4 now, Karen xoxo

  10. Welcome Zoe, loving the new look blog so far can't wait to see what else you do with it. As for Deena's card it is wonderful, lovely papers and such beautiful colouring.
    Kim xXx

  11. Hi Zoe, I love that image too. Great colours.

    Cazzy x

  12. Hi Zoe, great to have you posting on here!! :D I love what you've done to the blog.. looks awesome! :D
    What a gorgeous card too - that red is delightful!

  13. Ho Zoe and welcome sweetie, looking forward to reading your posts.
    Hugs Jacqui x

  14. Hi Zoe!! Great post - you are like me and couldn't "speak" without exclamation marks babes!! Loving the bright, fresh and funky blog. Wishing you all the best keeping us lot in line!! Lol Lynn ♥

  15. I will be looking forward to the tutorials!
    I have done a card with one of the stamps I have bought from Sugar Nellie and it is on my blog if you have the time to take a peek:
    Looking forward to reading and seeing lots more.
    Hugs, Candy

  16. OMGosh, that is the sweetest card. So country feeling - I love it! Off to check out the rest of her card.

    The blog is looking GREAT!

  17. I love the colour scheme of this card...lovely and colourful especially when everything seems so cold and white outside...stay warm and stay in and craft....that's my plan!!

  18. Lookin' good. Fab card.

  19. Loving the new look of the blog it's fab. *Waving madly at puter screen* Hi Zoe!


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