
Sweet little Home Grown Babies

Well, looking through all the DT blogs trying to choose cards to share is just soooo much fun but IMPOSSIBLE to choose!!!! I was going to share a few more digi fairy cards with you today, but decided on these FABULOUS babies instead. There aren't that many baby stamps out there in the world of crafting. I think the vintage feel that our baby stamps range here at Sugar Nellie has gives ours the edge don't you!! They are just stunning, and the cards I have chosen today are just beautiful, using the images for christening cards, first birthdays ... showing the stamps off to their FULL potential - well done DT!!!

The first card i would like to share with you today is by the fabulous Rowena. She has used Bubbles on this beautiful first birthday card. I just love the bright colours that she has used and the different textures the gems, pearls and ribbon add, perfect for a card for little ones!!

This next card i have to share is by the lovely Vicky. I love how she has used Vintage Baby to make a christening card. A nice and simple layout to draw all the attention to that wonderful image. That little baby doesn't have a care in the world does he!!! Beautiful work Vicky!!

The last card i have to share with you today is by the wonderful Donalda. I just love the attitude this little baby has - how cool is she!! Her name is Caitlyn and I think she is adorable in her little hat!! Donalda has coloured her beautifully, and i love the vintage feel of the papers against the images!!

Such wonderful inspiration from the DT girlies again. Sugar Nellie really are soo lucky to be working with such a wonderful design team. Beautiful cards sweeties!!!

Now for something a little different ...... tomorrow i will be adding some cards chosen from YOUR blogs!!! I am going to go searching for your daily sugar fix on our followers blogs. We really do appreciate how loyal our followers are ....... each and every one of you is treasured!! Lastly I just want to thank you for the wonderful comments you have been leaving since i have started posting on the SN blog. It was really daunting at first but you have all made it sooo easy to settle right in here. I really do appreciate each and ever comment that is left. So thank you soooo much!! mmmmmwah!!

Zoe x x


  1. Gorgeous cards....but unfortunately the stamps have been outta stock for weeks!! I'm patiently waiting for them to be available again!! bx

  2. Hi Zoe
    Your so bad, but in a good way!! Your making me want every stamp I see on all the fab cards!!
    I will need to sit on my hands constantly till the pocket money fairy comes along!! take care xxx

  3. Beautiful cards you've chosen to show us! :D

  4. Oh I just love these Images!!! The first one reminds me of a babydoll my oldest daughter had when she was litte!! I think I need some of these baby stamps!!!

  5. These cards are gorgeous - and the stamps are really cute! I agree with you about the baby with an attitude stamp - and I guess everyone who has kids knows those moments and faces!

    Kathrin aka Kruemel

  6. great cards by the DT totally different!!!
    xxx Margreet

  7. wow what amazing DT card's!!!
    I've so got to get me these little cuties :)
    keep up the fab work!
    hugs amanda xx


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