
What is your New Years Resolution?

Well, we are now a few weeks into the New Year so I thought it would be the perfect time to ask about your New Years Resolutions!! We have had plenty of time to break them already haven't we! I have learnt from previous years NOT to make the silly mistake of " give up chocolate" I mean who can give up chocolate for a whole year!! Ridiculous resolution!! This year, I have decided that my New Years Resolution is to read more. I used to love reading, and I did a degree in English Literature ( I know - get me right?), but since having my two little ones and with a growing addiction to crafting I can rarely be seen sitting in the corner with a good book. So far I think I have only managed a chapter, but I have tried and thats all that matters.

Whilst mooching around the DT blogs i found these stunning projects that I just haaaaaad to share with you. Perfect for me with my New Years Resolution - I think I may be getting some of these babies myself!!!

I just love all Mary Halls images and Girl Reading is no exception. How cute is this little lady snuggled up in her bean bag chair. Oh what I would give to have a giant pink bean chair - how cozy is she with her book!!! Stunning card Donalda!!

Tiets has used an oldie on her project here. Its nice to have the new stash all the time, but isn't it a wonderful feeling when you find some old favourites. A Good Book is certainly one of my favourites!! I love the way Tiets has teamed the image with the 'perfect moment' sentiment. Stunning sample sweetie.

Lastly i have another of the Mary Hall cuties to share with you. Judy has used this cutie on his giant pillow reading his book, aptly named Boy Reading. This image reminds me sooo much of my little Ryan. He has just started wearing glasses and can ALWAYS be found reading books! Stunning sample Judy finished perfectly with the Imagine embellishment.

Well there was your little sugar fix for today, don't forget to let us all know YOUR resolutions!!!!

Zoe x x x


  1. Yay - what a great resolution - why not check out our reading group on facebook (good reason to sign up for facebook if you havent done that yet!) - then you can comment whenever you read a book or read other people's comments!

    its on facebook - just search for Havering Reading Group!

  2. I enjoy reading books, but rarely have the time these days. Any spare time is usually spent on the internet (!) or crafting.

  3. I resolve to buy some Sugar Nellie stamps!! lol, I just discovered you and I want SO many stamps now! I only wish I would have found you in time to take advantage of the after-Christmas sale. :( Oh well - it's my birthday soon so I'll get me some sugar then!

  4. mine is to be more organised...but I cant seem to get organised to get organised lol
    Mina xxx


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