
Last one..........

Here is the last one from the Arty Set by Leanne Ellis, this one makes six new stamps coming to you December time. I would have to call this one English Rose, unless you can come up with something better. 
I am really excited by this collection, Leanne has amazed me with this artwork.
 I just know that you are all going to create such beautiful things with these designs.


A huge thank you for all your kind words, yesterday got worse before it got better but its good to know that I am not the only one to have a teenage horror in the house and I hope that as time moves on things will become better but at this time, distance is what is needed. You comments and stories really helped and I thank you for those, I really do.


I will drawn candy winners tomorrow, I must catch up before starting anything else and we are due a delivery from the factory which Funkykits is waiting for. Mark is back to work today and all things will be up to date before he starts anything new, I am keen to hear his stories from the NEC, I am sure he will have a few :)

As usual I will give away this stamp to one lovely follower who takes the time to comment on this post. Tomorrow all will be drawn, one by one, I have my work cut out there!

have an ink tastic day girls, if you want to craft that's up to you, you'll find the time if you want it enough, after all who ever notices if the floors have been cleaned and the windows washed, housework can wait.


  1. English Rose is the perfect name for her!!!! Love this image absolutley stunning, I think this one will become one of my favourites! Hugs Juls

  2. Oh my goodness! Look at all those glorious roses! Can't wait till they're available!

  3. Another beautiful image, I really love this new set.
    Jenni x

  4. She reminds me of that old manga cartoon Lady Oscar. Probably because of the roses, since the drawing is so "Leanne" and nothing like those mangas. Ha, I'm "poisoned" with the title song, now. I was watching it in Italian when I was a teen:

  5. The only person that notices if the housework is done is usually the person that does it. I don't like housework but love to see the house all clean and tidy when its done , at least till hubby and son come home. I have to say as I had a hysterectomy 4 weeks ago tomorrow I haven't been able to do much housework as my little instruction book says lift nothing more than a 2 pint kettle for the first 4 weeks. I can dust so all my kichen surfaces keep getting cleaned and any where else I can dust but I can't wait till I can start weilding my vaccum cleaner, hubby seems to think once a week on a cream carpet is fine, and all the little bits of housework I can't do is niggling me. I do keep coming and crafting or blog surfing but as I can't sit too long I have to keep moving around for changes in position. I never ever thought I would look forward to housework and I'm sure when I can do it again the novelty will soon wear off.

    This leanne ellis stamp is so pretty it reminds me of a very expensive silk wedding dress I fell in love with 17 years ago it had a huge skirt with big silk roses dotted on it and the neckline had roses just like these in cream and dark green silk leaves. I would have loved it but at £15,000 it was way out of my league. the shoes that matched cost as much as my whole wedding out fit but it really was lovely.

  6. It is just BEAUTIFUL! I love the pensive look on her face!

  7. I think i know what my xmas pressies is gonna be this year, between these and the new adorables I cant chose so it will have to be both.
    Chris x

  8. yup LE's arty designs are definitely growing on me - I love the thoughtful expression on her face.

    have managed to formulate a bit of a routine where I drop the kids at school, do the housework - make a start on crafting, pick the wee one up from nursery and make her lunch, get back into crafting until its time for the other 2 to get picked up. The wee one is quite happy to sit on my bed and either watch telly or play with her DSi
    now that I've told someone, the whole routine will go to pot! lol

  9. Lovely image as have all the others been. Lovin all the images that are coming soon to HOS. Have a wonderful day.

  10. I think English Rose is perfect! Love all the roses!! another very lovely image!

    Housework - don't have time for and crafting fill my day *lol*
    people are only allowed to enter my home with sufficient warning time as my living room is my crafting room - and I don't think I have to tell a fellow crafter what that results in *lol*

  11. This is a beauty, not sleeping but in the roses......
    And keep in mind your teenager will grow up and than you have lovely adults. You'll see.

    xx Anita

  12. She is pretty but not sure whether she's an English Rose though.
    Did you know that some say the best roses are cultivated in Aberdeen? The colder climate makes them much stronger and less suspeptible to disease - HONESTLY! So maybe she should be an Aberdeen Rose instead =)

    Max's Craft Creations
    Bah! Humbug! Challenges DT

  13. This stamp is gorgeous hun....ooooo my wish list is an ever growing wish list lol....cant help it i just love your stamps :o)
    hugs and xxx

  14. This new stamp is a beauty !

  15. I think this is one is my favourite! :) Beautiful, serene and limitless possibilities. This collection is fab Karen. Glad yesterday is over for you. You will never stop being her mum whatever happens, and she will always be your daughter, nothing has changed that. Im sure it will work itself out fine, and you have done what you think is best is all that matters. :)



  16. She's adorable, English Rose sound perfect! Love to hear NEC news. Ruby x

  17. Too right, I find I do the housework and it is undone within 2 days (if I am lucky), yet my crafting creations last forever ! This has to be my favourite of leannes designs, it is truely scrumptious xx Andrea N xx

  18. Oh auch so wunderschön,die Motive sind alle toll gelungen
    lg gila

  19. You take care Karen - I'm on paint splodge duty - husband painting bedroom ceiling - between some h20 playing. English Rose definitely - perhaps Eglantine Rose for something not so obvious.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. This is a beautiful stamp! I love English Rose since the first thing that caught my eye was all the roses and the second thing was her sweet face.


  21. Oh Karen...another masterpiece!! Can't wait for these to come live at my house! :-) Pat Frank

  22. Wow love this it's beautiful. A really great stamp. I want it. Hugs x ChrisB

  23. Last but not least - what a lovely stamp to end with she is so sweet.

    Another for my Christmas list!


  24. It's very hard to choose but I think this one is my favourite. Really looking forward to the release!


  25. Stunningly beautiful, serenity blooming all over her. So much lovely rubber on offer at the moment choosing is very difficult.

    I have some horror memories of my boys teenage years but was very heartened to get an apology from one of the culprits .... after his boys hit their late teens....
    There is light at the end of every tunnel, even if its just a candle flame Hugs Toni

  26. oh she is such a beauty i love the name english rose it really suits her thankyou for the chance of winning xx

  27. Oh wooooooooow!! Love this sweetie!!

  28. English Rose is a lovely name for her. My dad always used to call my mum his English Rose.
    I hope things get better with your daughter soon. My daughter is nearly 20, is stunning, has a great social life with lots of friends, but is a completely different person at home. She's just finished some seasonal work she had, so now spends half the day in bed, and the other half getting ready to go out. I hardly see her any more.
    Julie W x

  29. Another beauty for my wish list. Housework mmmm think I need to look that word up in the dictionary lol.

  30. I think that English Rose is a lovely name for the image. It is such a pretty stamp with all of those detailed roses. :)

  31. Love Leanne's art this is no exception, just gorgeous. Sad to hear you're having teenage problems. Oh yes been there, not fun at all in fact mine lasted a whole lot longer than just teen years but you don't need to hear that. They do eventually turn into lovely human beings, you just have to hang in there, best of luck :0) xx

  32. another great image and English Rose is a perfect name. Glad the comments prked you up a bit yesterday. Sounds like you have lots ot do- so do I but as you say, who needs to clean floors etc when there is crafting to be done...

  33. I love this English Rose girl a lot! And I can not wait to see her on someone's creation!!! Thank you for sharing!

  34. Wow, this collection is amazing, so beautiful. I will get this that`s for sure.

  35. Beautiful, beautiful stamp - would be a dream to colour.


  36. She is gorgeous and the perfect name for her! This is going to be a beautiful set of stamps,
    hugs Vicky xx

  37. Oooh, you saved the best for last! This is amazingly beautiful!!! Love the look in her eyes, so soft and lost in thoughts.

  38. it's a amazing image hun
    i would name her romantic rose
    but your name is also perfect hun
    hugs angelique

  39. Gorgeous image, love the frame. I thought she looked like a 'Thoughtful Rose', but English Rose is a lovely name.

  40. Absolutely gorgeous! And English Rose is really a beautiful name, just perfect for this image! Hugs Delphine xx

  41. Bit of cleavage there! Very pretty stamp, and love the frame again.

    Cazzy x

  42. Gorgeous my fav! I love those roses cant wait to see this one coloured.
    Trish (-:

  43. She is a stunner. This whole set has been beautiful and things will get better, promise.

  44. I can't wait to get my grabby little hands on these beauties!

  45. I think this one will be my favorite! She's just lovely. Can hardly wait for Dec

  46. Oh yes English Rose is perfect! She is beautiful. I'm looking forward to these stamps coming out and shall add them to my wish list hint hint hubbie.... :-)

  47. I just adore the roses and the outfit! I can't wait to stamp with this newest stamp.

  48. Another Fantastic Image from Leanne Ellis!English Rose is a perfect name, for this one!
    love angie xx

  49. Such a lovely serene image and yet again, the frame just enhances it so much. I can't wait to see what these new images look like made into cards.
    Re- teenagers... it does get better- usually when they leave the home!!LOL

  50. Beautiful stamp - think this is the best of the bunch and English Rose is just the most perfect name for her.

    Guess I am lucky as I live alone and I definitely don't notice when the housework has not been done!!!

    Denise xx

  51. Leanne's artwork is wonderful, but "English Rose" is one of the best!
    Kris, Wadsworth, OH

  52. English Rose is a PERFECT name for this image! It is glorious!!!

  53. Oooh stunning! VERY excited now! xx Jenny xx

  54. These are all wonderful and can't wait to get my hands on some.
    God Bless,

  55. I am so anxious on purchasing these stamps. English Rose is perfect!

  56. This image is gorgeous and I think the name is perfect for it. I love the border around the image, makes it look so elegant. Take care and I hope everything works out in the end for your family. Big hugs.

  57. totally and comepleetly lovely!
    so super sweet!

    x sammiej

  58. beautiful...I nearly missed all these beauties being them
    Mina xxx

  59. Any word on when these will be in? I'm stalking Funky Kits like you wouldn't believe! LOL


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