
Down at the bottom of the garden

"Grow your own"

"Best of show"

Opps they have come out tiny! Desk top publishing is not my forte.
 It's hard enough for me to get the writing over the top of them.

So "his and hers" gardening stamps,
great for those couples that spend time down at the bottom of the garden.
 I can imagine all those gate fold cards or how about a double twisted easel.
Something that requires a pair of stamps,
 well this is only the first of  our new co ordination pair of stamps from  MARY HALL, available soon.


  1. These are adorable Karen!
    Really just stopped by to say thank you for my Little Farmer - he's such a cutie!
    I've just added a card using him to my blog :)
    Leann x

  2. Oooh I love them. When are they out??

  3. These look super Karen - your ideas using both images are interesting too. A double twisted easel - now that will take some doing.
    Paula (PEP)

  4. Ah these two are perfect! You are right about the types of cards they would look good on too! We LOVE being down the bottom of our garden but we never look as clean as those two dears! Sheila:)X

  5. This couple will make for some very nice and fun cards.

  6. Adorable stamps these would really suit my parents lol.
    Kim xXx

  7. I think these two would look great on 'retirement' cards, a bit more grown up too. Hugs Christine x

  8. How fab I'm sure we all know at least one person with green fingers!


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