
Sugar...Ah Honey Honey...You are my candy....

And yes, the best sugar is the Scottish calorie-free rubber variety.

Over on the Sugar Bowl Gayle has announced the winner of the last challenge who can look forward to receiving their prize very soon, and the new challenge has been posted.
The very lovely and exceptionally talented Marlene has provided us with a fabby sketch to follow and included the option of buttons.

Marlene's blog was one of the first blogs I discovered and I was totally amazed at her stunning creations and abundance of talent...and I still am, but you can see that for yourself with her beautiful card using one of the new Simply Adorable digi images called Melissa and available to instantly download HERE.

Erika has chosen a Mary Hall image called Sweet Dreams (which are on sale if you're missing any of these stamps) and you can find her HERE. Love your card Erika and I am so jealous of your stitching - something I cannot do at all!

And my Sugar Mama Gayle has inked up a Sassy from the new release called Winking Student and you can buy her HERE. Love the white and red colour combo and you even sneaked a bit of gingham in there!

I've just realised that the cards I picked this week are all from Karen's Florida girls...I think? So we just need to get a card from Karen and it will be a cyber reunion!

I hope these cards have got you all in the mood to get a little inky and join in the challenge. All the details can be found over on the Sugar Bowl along with additional cards from the other Sweeties.
Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xx


  1. what gorgeous cards, love the Sugarbowl challenges, any excuse to play with sugar!!

  2. Love the red theme amongst these too - I thoroughly enjoy your Thursday Sugar Bowl spots Elaine.
    Paula (PEP)

  3. Woweee! what fab cards love them all and the new SN images are a must have, roll on pension I really wish I had the same urge to buy food as I do stamps..hubby's looking a bit thin xx

  4. What a wonderful cards.

    Hugs Riet.xx

  5. These are all fantastic cards, brilliant colouring and so beautifully put together. Teresa xx


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