
Knitted socks

While Gayle is busy with the DT getting all the lovely creations ready for the blog hop, I thought I would nip in and tease you, oh you know how you love it really!

Whats coming?

The girls have a hop at the start of September
where you will be spoilt for choice in sweet rubber yet again.

There are tradition Christmas/Winter characters
 and a new range which we have chosen to name
"tinkle bells"
these are delightful fairies with knitted socks which have bells on them!
Yes you heard me right,
 its sounds an odd combination but trust me when I say these are beyond cute.

Knitting so so IN, with an influx of new magazine coming out where they promote, all crafts, re-cycling and re vamping old things, knitting and crochet are back in fashion again.
I currently have the following on my coffee table
Mollie Makes
Simply Homemade
Maybe we can have some little stripy stocks with bells on knitted for the launch.?
Like these ones  from Penny

but with bells on the end.

Hope you have a warm and cozy day, might have to put my socks on again as its turned a little colder here in the NE Scotland, the combine went into the field yesterday but Mr Farmer is not too happy looking at the forecast. Just as well I am back to work this week and keeping out of the way.

take care


  1. Fairys with knitted sox!! I think i could just fall in love cannot wait to see them x x x

  2. sounds intriguing Karen, looking forward to the new launch - not long til Sept at all now :S

  3. I've worn socks most days this Summer, mut admit they don;t have bells on though. These new images sound fab, can't wait to see them. Marianne x

  4. Hi Karen, Those socks are just like some I used to have but they had toes gloves for the cosy and warm they were, thanks for the flash back...xx

  5. Fab socks, your reading material sounds vary familiar!!

  6. I'm one of those strange mums who actually dreads a quieter house again come September.(Even though the kids can drive me up the wall - lol.) But these new releases are making me count the weeks down with a whole new fervor!! Hehe.. :0) Cannot wait!! Summer has been a total wash out and these new stamps give us all something to look forward to! And being Sugars, I'm safe in the knowledge that they could never disappoint! :0) xx

  7. Fab socks, am soooooo looking forward to the launch xx

  8. Hope it doesn't get too cold, as I am off to fort William , on the 10th Sept.. hope i don't miss the release..
    Hugs xx

  9. Goodness, whatever happened to August? Besocked fairies? Intriguing & looking forward to what you've got up your sleeve this time.
    Paula (PEP)

  10. These sound adorable and I can't wait to see them. I am jealous of the cooler weather it is suppose to be 105 degrees here in Texas for the next few days..uugh.

  11. Hi Karen,
    Fairies with socks. Sounds soo much fun. Can't wait to see them.

  12. This sounds very strange...Fairies with Socks on ..and bells on!!!
    This I must


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