
Delighted to Introduce…..


The new members of our Sugar Nellie Design Team







They will join Maya, Mina, Sarah and Tiets for the next 6 months to share their projects with you all.

Now, a word of thanks to all of those who applied….

Thank you all, I am very aware that a lot of you are hugely disappointed at reading this list today and not finding your own name upon it.

There is nothing I can say to console you, I know I’ve been there!

(Karen still won’t let me on the Design Team)

What I will say is thank you for your continued support and for taking the time to enter the Design Team call. We cherish every single one of our loyal friends and customers here at Sugar Nellie and….

Perhaps, it will be your turn next time!

So for now I ask that you all join me in welcoming them to The House Of Sugar….we are very proud to have you all with us!


Gayle x


  1. Congrats to the new DT-members, cannot wait to see the delightfull projects they're going to make. Hugs, Marion

  2. congrats to all of you and I'm happy I have some more colleague's!!
    Hugs Tiets

  3. huge congratulations to all the lovely ladies who made the dt.
    have fun
    hugs Clare x

  4. Congratulations to the new team. Looking forward to seeing their sweet creations

    Ali x

  5. HUMUNGOUS CONGRATS to all the new girlies you all deserve to be on this DT.....cant wait to see your new work.

    Lotsa hugs Vicky xxx
    I didnt even have the courage to apply so a big congrat to all that did apply!!

  6. thank you all girls, I am so excited and honored, wowwww :)
    Also my congrats to the other girls !!!

    hugs Astrid

  7. hiya sweetie
    congrats to the new DT members
    i'm looking forward to see your cards and creations
    hugs angelique

  8. Thanks for the opportunity, and congrats to the other ladies as well!

  9. Congratulations to the new DT looking forward to seeing what you create xx

  10. congrats to all the ladies you are going to do a fab job i am sure x

  11. Congratulations to you all...... had a look at all your blogs are you truely deserve a place.

  12. Ooooohhh...I am soooo excited to have been about a dream come true to join such a talented group of artists!! I can't wait to get started! Congrats to the team!! Gayle, I know you struggled with the decisions you had to make! My hat's off to you girl!! Hugs. Pat Frank

  13. well done ladies, can't wait to see your lovely creations.xx

  14. congratulations to you all, look forward to seeing your work x

  15. Well done to the new design team members.Have fun.Love Debbie x

  16. Hiya there,

    Oh a huge congrats and a big Sugary welcome to all you lovely NEW DT's.

    Have fun and good Luck in your new roles (Don't think you need it, your work is Ace).

    A big hug to all who did not make the team this time,you are special and are great designers but someone has to be chosen and some have not - But remember, don't let it get you down too much - YOU are the BEST you can be and are all great designers.

    We are all unique and different and the difference will be that we can all reapply - NOTHING is written in stone and Nothing is a personal knock back - except when we make it personal and take it hard!

    I did apply and yes I am disappointed, at one point I would have been angry at myself for not being good enough, what can I do to change, what is the criteria, shoould I change my Style, and even cried as this is a goal of mine to be a SWEETIE.

    Do not change ever,we will all learn new techniques, make new friend's and design different creations and each day we move on and learn something different, We challenge ourselves!

    We are harder on ourselves than anyone else could ever be - embrace your unique qualities and be proud to be a SWEETIE!

    Oh how about we be the SUGAR CUBE GANG hee hee

    But as far as I am Concerned I am a SWEETIE and so are all of you!

    Do you know why we are all SWEETIES? Cause we all play nicley and design fantastic creations in the SUGAR BOWL!

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  17. Huge congratulations to the new DT members. Look forward to all the lovely new creations. Marianne x

  18. congrats to the DT and well done!!


  19. Congratulations to the new team members - many new names for me amongst these & I look forward to seeing what will be created with the new releases.
    Paula (PEP)

  20. Congratulations to the new dt members! I can't wait to see your lovely creations.

  21. Congrats to everyone! Well deserved I am sure!

  22. Congratulations to all the new design team members, can't wait to see what you all create for us.
    I would just like to say I have loved looking through the new stamps that were released just a shame I was not around at the time for the blog hop.
    Kim xXx

  23. congrats to all the new girls, cant wait to see your owrk! Hugs Juls

  24. Well done to the new members!! Shall look forward to seeing your fab creations!! Juliexx


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