
The Missing Link…..

Happy Monday to you all….

It’s good to be back, I should have been here for day two of the ‘Hippity Hop’ on Friday but, my 5 year old broke her leg really badly at ballet on Thursday night so Elaine stepped into the breach to save the day!

Thank you for that honey, and a MASSIVE thank you to everyone who made the ‘Hippity Hop’ such a success!

Today, I shall be reading through everyone’s comments for the hop and sending out some ‘sugar’ for a lucky few!

Well, as I should have been here on Friday for the hop I thought I would show you the card I had made for day two….
This stamp is called ‘Knitted With Love’ and is available now from Funky Kits!

Definitely one of my personal favourites from this last release.
You’ll find full details over on my blog.

You can see this stamp used again by Mina later this week, and she has a completely different take on it, which is why I love rubber stamps, everyone can put their own personal ‘spin’ on things!

Now, I’m afraid, I also have some sad news to share today….

Donalda has decide to step down from the Sugar Nellie Design Team. I am sad to see Donalda go but, perfectly understand her reasons, as she is very busy with her ‘non rubber’ job!

Thank you Donalda, and I hope you will still visit us here regularly!

That does however, open up another slot on our Design Team and that is on my ‘to do’ list for this week!

I have a massive amount of Design Team entries to sort through, and I will give you any news, right here, as soon as I have it! 

I may be gone for some time……

Gayle x


  1. Oh no!! Sorry to hear about your daughter!! i'm sure she will be very disappointed now that she'll have to miss out on ballet for awhile!! Wishing her a speedy recovery!! I love your card it is just gorgeous!! love all the new images!!! HUgsxx

  2. Fab card!!! Just love these new releases and am madly saving my pennies....

  3. Gorgeous card Gayle, love the colour combination, and I confess to having a soft spot for this cutie.

    Sad that Donalda is leaving, she has made some beautiful creations during her time on the DT.

    Good luck with the picking, not a job I would like to, I am sure it's not going to be an easy task

    Cathy xx

  4. oh goodness Gayle, hope the bairn is ok.
    good luck with the DT entries, see you next year lol

  5. OMG hope your little girl is OK. didn't realise ballet was so physical poor thing.
    Gorgeous card and thank you again for all the inspiration - I am playing with my purchases today.

    Hugs Ali x

  6. Its the 1st night back at ballet for the new term tonight and I will be thinking of you and your daughter. I can't even contemplate how she has managed to break her leg at ballet, hope she is feeling better.

    ** Kate **

  7. Oh no! That's terrible! I think being a Mother is the hardest (but most rewarding thing). Its funny how people always tell you how your life will change when you have children eg. no more going out to dinner and a movie, no relaxing weekends away while they are young etc. But you know what ... I don't care about any of that. What I do find hard is the constant worry about their safety, well being and future and knowing that a lot of it is out of my hands. All we can do is teach our darling children how to be good people ... and hope for the best. I hope your daughter recovers quickly. So sorry I missed the hop ... have not had the internet capacity ... but do now (so next time) :)

  8. Hope your duaghter is OK Gayle, sounds nasty. Gorgeous card, just ordered this image. So sorry to see Donalda go as she is so creative but lucky us, another possible DT place. Marianne x

  9. Hiya Gayle,

    OMG , Is your little Angel ok, oh dear, that must have been so scary for you both.Such a young age to break anything, very frightening!

    Children are so resilent though , they always surprise you!

    Hope things heal quickly!

    A Little boy fell out of the tree across the road from us and he was at the top - very high tree,there in the beginning of Summer!

    Hubby ran and helped him, ambulance etc called, very scary and scared for him, big fall and the noise when he landed we were so worried he had hurt his back or neck!

    He was out that night with a few bruises and some sore ribs - WE could not believe it - But when you are Younger you really do bounce and your bones are stronger and heal faster!

    If that had been me - I would still be in hospital - but hey I would have been locked up for even trying to climb a tree Hee Hee!

    This is such a gorgeous card,love the colours and tones you have used!
    This stamp is such a cutie, sorry you missed out on the second day of the Hop but family comes first!

    Sorry to here that Donalda is leaving, she will be missed her work is Fab!

    Doesn't real life just get in the way sometimes of ENJOYMENT!

    Good Luck DONALDA and HOPE to see you BACK SOON if you can,I have always enjoyed your work and inspiration!

    Long comment from me eh? I get chucked out in a minute!

    Wishing your baby a speedy recovery and lots of markers for signing the plaster (well you should have plenty - but not the COPICS hee hee)

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  10. gorgeous Gayle..hope your little girls leg is on the mend....and good luck choosing the DT..hugs Debs x

  11. Oh sorry about your cutie's broken leg! Who knew ballet was so dangerous!! Hope she's back up on her feet soon! Just take care of yourself too, Sugar Mama!! Your card is just precious...and I sooo can't wait to get my order!!! I showed GREAT restraint...only purchased 8 this time 'round! But there's always tomorrow! hehehe!! Big hugs!
    Pat Frank

  12. Stunning card Mama...sorry to hear Donalda has stepped down. Wishing her well.

    Ali x

  13. Stunning card Gayle. Hope your daughter is mending soon. x

  14. Hello Gayle - I did notice it was Elaine but just thought you'd done a bit of delegating; I do hope that little 5 year old is not put off ballet for life & wish her a speedy recovery. Sad to see Donalda's departure but totally understand too - I can only admire her long service & faithful postings/encouragement. She has personally given me much encouragement & I initially came across her through Sugar Nellie.
    I wish you all the best with the DT sifting & thank you for all your own hard work. I'm so thrilled to see your work with those pencils.
    Paula (PEP)

  15. Your card is beautiful and so adorable! Love your image! Hope your daughter's not in too much pain and is recovering quickly.

  16. So sorry to hear about your little one breaking her leg! That must be one awfully challenging ballet class? Hope she is on the mend soon.

  17. Absolutely gorgeous card Gayle! Luv the colours you've chosen. I also luv this image. So sorry to hear about your daughter, hope she's feeling loads better by now. Good luck with sorting through the dt applicants. Sad to hear Donalda's leaving. Lotsa luv, hugs xxxx

  18. I hope your daughter is doing better, thank heavens they bounce back quickly! I am sorry to see Donalda go of the DT she is so very talented and inspires each of us!


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