
free stamps?

Oh you know how much I like cake, I can pass on the chocolate biscuits and crisps but cake now that is why I carry a spare tyre around with me. But as my weight continues to go up and never  down *rolls eyes*  I am being real fussy which cake I indulge in, if it's a supermarket cake I will pass but if its from the baker or even better still hand made I can not resist. I tend not to choose chocolate based cake, no eclair for me but anything else with fresh cream would be hard to resist. No if you have found the joy of  PINTEREST you will know that there are pages of mouth watering bakes, just as well I don't drool or my key board would be a right mess!

So Fiona who kindly keeps on top of the challenge over on our Facebook pages has been picking cake as the colour inspiration for the weekly challenge. And this is the current one.....

It's gorgeous and I am sure EVA loved it. But look, no water mark, no idea who's it is or where its come from, remember what I say WaterMarkAllYourPhotosOnTheWeb.

Can you work with these colours?
Are you already part of our Face Book group; Sugar Nellie , you could win FREE RUBBER

Remember too that there is a twice a month challenge over on the Sugar Bowl and if that was not enough chances to win some Sugar Nellie Stamps there will be more Candy landing here soon! Keep an eye out because (best radio voice) *you have to be in it to win it.*. And the current challenge is so easy you just cant find any excuse not to join in can you?

Over on our Simply Sassy blog each week the girls give away FREE RUBBER

and if that was not enough, Gayle is working on a weekly give away MORE FREE RUBBER and me, well I am working on a special edition stamp only available FREE when you purchase the next SIMPLY SASSY release.
*whispers* not long now until our 4th birthday, I just cant wait to open our presents and share them with our blog friends :)

Here on the farm we have a new addition, DH and Son went shopping yesterday down to Stirling and came home with a new bull, not that I, being your no-where-near-perfect-farmers-wife, would recognise him, BUT the thing is, his name is Basil...................first thing I say to hubby............I hope he's not Faulty!  A bull that does not work is a bull no more. LOL
 On a sadder note the farm dog aged 12 had to be put down and the storms yesterday knocked over the guinea pig hutch and we have yet to find the runaways in a very over grown garden with a lot of hedges. :(

I did take out my sewing machine, yes its out of the box after 5 years! I know this because the receipt was still in the box. I made a sling bag out of scraps from the local curtain fabric shop. I will not be showing you nor will I be submitting it to any one's close inspection, but for now we still have a flower to make to decorate and its done, I am sure the second one will be better.

I have also been playing with something new in the crafting world, a first for two BIG company's working together and I LOVE IT, and as always I will share with you even if its not Sugar Nellie, I just have to have some samples done first and then I will let Mark have them so they are available for you to play with too.

That's all my news girls, I hope that the weather has been kind to you and that you are giving our sweet rubber a fair amount of inky love.

take care

Karen ...........100 words max ;)


  1. Oh Karen...what a fabulous newsy update. Free Sugar, huh? Well, that's always fun!! My husband says, "If it's free, it's for me"...and I have to agree! Especially when it's free SUGAR! hehehe! Did I ever laugh when I read about you breaking out your sewing machine after 5 years...mine's still in the box after just 14 now I don't feel so bad! Lot's going on ay very excited! Have a great weekend, darlin'...Hugs. Pat Frank

  2. Great update and liking the sound of more free rubber coming and a new Sassy release. Marianne x

  3. Hi Karen, I totally agree about the cake, home made with lashings of fresh cream. Yummy, just wish it would stop sitting on my hips. lol. Exciting news about new Sassy release and the 2 BIG company's. Can't wait to hear and see more. I hope you catch the wee guinee pigs.
    Great to hear from you.
    Suzi x

  4. fab post karen!! i could not do without my sewing machine...mind you I am not clever enough to make curtains!! Hopefully Basil is not faulty as you!!

    Can't wait to see what's in store in the months ahead!!


  5. I loved the bull story, my niece when she was young, called the new tupe Roger......

    sorry to hear about your dog, and hope your wee escapee's are home safe soon.

    I have no idea how to watermark photos........

    much love teen x

  6. haha I just got the picture of you and the kids running around collecting guinea pig in the garden.. I'm thinking of having one myself (sshh don't tell anyone that my oldest will be getting one for christmas but that it's really for me)haha..getting one of those fluffy.. Can't wait to see the coming Sassy's ♥♥♥

  7. hiya sweetie
    what a gorgeous cake that is, wow
    to bad i'm naussia for a day or 3
    free stamp are alway welcome, LOL
    have a great weekend to all
    hugs angelique

  8. So much info on one post. Thanks for all the updates and fun news:0) So many different ways to win that sugar. I am loving it:0) I first noticed SN from the Simply Sassy but I will say that it has crept its way into my heart! Look forward to the next release:0)Oh and I hope your bull turns out to be a good one!


  9. Hi Karen, who wouldn't love free rubber but it's even sweeter when it's Sugar Nellie!! I just adore that cake, it is so gorgeous.
    Lol at the faulty bull comments, sorry about your dog and hope you find the guinea pigs.
    Look forward to seeing your samples....scrap bag and all please x

  10. Hope you find the absconding guinea pigs. As always it sounds as if you have your hands quite full. I'm finally learning how to watermark (thanks to the Apple Store Creatives) my photos as I've been feeling so vulnerable.
    Cake - well I'm very picky & don't like fresh cream. Think I've got a hunch about the dynamic company duo, but I could be wrong.
    Have a good week.
    Paula (PEP)

  11. YIPPEE!!! More Sassy's (you know how I love my Sassy's Karen lol) and free rubber. You will have to show me how to watermark my photos please :) xx

  12. What a lovely ..super long story.....perfect for the Sunday morning!!!! All these free SUGARS....jippie!!!!
    My sewing machine is next to my craftdesk and still.....not touched
    it, it's such a scary thing, hahaha!
    Look forward to everything bout Sassy and the free rubbers (no Facebook for me though!).
    I know Astrid and Tiets and I think they are GREAT!!!


  13. Oh that's great news.But I can't find you on facebook ..... Help me please

  14. I gave up making Wedding cakes and my Spare tyre still follows me

  15. Hi Karen and all in the HOS etc, a quick visit to my blogworld favs and boy have I missed so much news, love the cards in the newer posts the oldies from Vicky and Pat, can you tell I catch up backwards, hope you found those wee convicts escaping to the country in what to them must have seemed like a tornado and hope the weather is a wee bit kinder to you in the coming months.
    Sosad about your dog did he have a name and as for the cake , I love to bake but don't try most of them and my spare tyre which I seem to be constantly trying to reduce I think could fit out an entire monster truck. Though my cakes are certainly not up to the standard of the cake for Eva, and have to admit I usually forget to watermark my pictures but can't believe they would be good enough for anyone to steal.
    Would love you to share your sling bag, did you use a pattern? and sad though I am not sure what one is, you should be proud and share as you had a go and anyone who says differewnt should put their money where their mouth is, if you like it thats all that matters and if it does the job even better.

    I can't believe you find the time and new sassy's I was going to spend the pennies I'd scraped together to get some more of the stamps on my wish list but more sassy's coming soon I best keep my options open and who knows by then I may have more pennies too. Right off to check the sassy blog and then might try and find the facebook one, might have to wait till son gets up for a bit of help wioth that one.


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