
Oldies but Goodies!

Hello Sugar lovers!! Hope your weekend was fab and that your Monday is off to a splendiferous start!! I was just thinking...revisiting some of my "older" Sugar Nellie stamps is a little like visiting old friends! You know, there have been so many gorgeous "new" SN stamps making their debuts lately...and, believe me, I am lovin' each and every one...but I thought it might be fun to dust off one of my more "vintage" SN stamps for this week. Soooo...say hello to..."Sitting Pretty!"

Isn't she adorable? "Sitting Pretty" is from Sugar Nellie's "Home Grown" Manga collection...available at Funky Kits HERE...and I am embarrassed to tell you that I've had her for more than a year and, until now, she's never even been within spitting distance of ink! Well, now, that's just wrong! Right?? I tell ya, she was such fun to color! And, I promise you, this card started out as "Clean and Simple"...hehehe!'s true...and if you look closely, you'll see that this really is a very simple card...maybe not clean but absolutely simple!! After choosing my SN image, coloring her (with Copics & prismacolor pencils), and fussy cutting her...I began working on the card inself....

I started out with white cards always measure 5.5" x 5.5" (that way they'll fit into 6" x 6" envelopes)...then I pulled out a pad of this case, I used Bo Bunny's "Midnight Frost" collection. Generally, when I make cards, I choose DPs from the same pad/manufacturer...that way I can be reasonably certain they'll mix, match, and/or complement each other!! In this case, I chose only TWO different patterns of DPs from the Bo Bunny design for the front...and a different one for the inside....

I opted for a very simple layout...a single circle in the middle...that's it!  I used my Nestabilities to cut out a circle of white cardstock and a lacy circle out of Night of Navy cardstock (from Stampin' Up)...I embossed the white circle using a Cuttlebug "snowflakes" embossing folder...and then decided to weave pearl garland through the lacy circle. That served as my focal point for little Miss "Sitting Pretty"! I also cut out 5 snowflakes (using a Martha Stewart punch) and one large snowflake with a Spellbinders snowdflake die. Then I simply started securing everything...with Score-tape and foam dimensionals! 

I added a ready-made doily...a generous amount of Martha Stewart Coarse glitter...a ribbon...some light blue pearls...and a couple of ticket sentiments! See? Easy peasy, right? The inside was even simpler...two sheets of DPs layered onto cardstock...the top stamped with "Merry Christmas"...and that's it!

So...that's the process I went through to make this simple, yet "fussy" looking little card!! If you'd like the list of Copics and Prismacolor pencils used to color little Miss "Sitting Pretty"...just pop on over to my bloggity blog HERE. I love visitors!

Thanks so much for visiting...and for your sweet comments! And...just a little reminder...Karen has some fabby new stamps coming out...and Gayle has some fun, fun, FUN things planned for their keep coming back so you can be the very first to get your crafty little hands on some of the new Sugar! Oh...and be sure to stop back tomorrow when Mina has some gorgeous goodies to show you!

Hugs...until next time... 


  1. Delighful iciness with these blues & her superbly coupled with her brunette hair colouring. I too am very partial to these older Mangas.
    Looking forward to seeing what is around the corner.
    Paula (PEP)

  2. Oh, I do love this 'oldie'! You have colored her to perfection and the snowflakes are beautiful!

  3. Oh you girls are such teases... I need some more rubber before Christmas so I can put it under my tree.. hubby will be at work so I gotta do something while kids play with their toys!!!! LOL yep thinking ahead!

  4. She sure is sitting MORE than pretty, what a lovely card and thanks for sharing how you made it!!


  5. Okay - I have got chrome to load in properly so I can comment. (I'm not complaining it's the third time I've got to see this beautiful creation now.) Smiles.
    I do love this so very much.
    The front, the inside, the way you've coloured this lovely sweet image, the whole lot!!
    Wow Pat! You are one talented lady.xx

  6. hello Pat, what a fabulous card you've created..!! really gorgeous!
    Hugs Tiets

  7. What a fab card,As for it not being Clean....I think it is! Lovely clean I think its beautiful and I just love the Image, How could you not have inked her till now...tut!

  8. Ooh sweetie I love it hun...! gorgeous layout and fabulous colours too....!

    big hugs Vicky xx

  9. This is stunning Pat....squeal what a stunner coloured beautifully as always and just long all your added details

    Ali x


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