
Today's The Second Day!

Did you all enjoy the hop yesterday? Did you manage to pick out a favourite image from these 11 gorgeous stamps?
The DT and Sweeties all made such fantastic cards that my favourite stamp kept changing each time I hopped to another blog.
All these Sweet stamps are available to buy at Funky Kits so go fill your baskets!

Today we have the second - but just as fabulous - installment.
Don't forget to leave a comment on each of the blogs as you hop along, as there will be some Sweet Rubber candy for some random commenter's. And please pop back here after you've done the hop and let us know which are your favourites...we always love to hear your views and appreciate your feedback.

To start you on the hop, the first stop today is Astrid so I know you will be in for a delicious treat, and she is using my favourite (I think!) stamp from the Fairy Glen release.
So make yourself a cuppa, sit back, relax and enjoy!

Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xx

Astrid - Kiki - Maya - Tiets - Maria - Cathy - Jenn - Jane - Vicky - Mina - Marianne - Pat.

.....excuse me, excuse me, let me past please, can I just get past......oh my it's busy here this weekend, sharper elbows needed, {good practice for the Glasgow SECC later on in the month}...... now just give me a minuet to catch my breath, I ain't as fit as I should be.

WOW two days of blog hopping, no wonder I am tired , but boy was it worth it.
The creative team which is a mix of our DT and some Sweeties from the challenge blog, have excelled once again. Amazing work girls a huge thank you from all at the House Of Sugar for you hard work and contributions to sharing all sweet things with our fabby sugar addicts.

What stamps to pick, well since it was little old me that chose them in the first place it would be unfair to pick a favourite right? But it is always interesting to see which one's you like best, more and more of you just cant choose and that's why your having a sugar rush this weekend and buying them all.

Just as well the are not seasonal and you can use them all year round isn't it! Red bull and carefully selected fungi may give you wings but I am sure some of you will be a flying high on a sugar rush when your new fairies arrive in the week.

Papers at the ready, and there are oh so many yummy papers out there, 6" pads are everywhere and as they are guaranteed to work together when matting and layering, it makes a crafters choice easier. But like stamps, which ones to pick?.  I am loving MME lost and found for the vintage look with added lace at the moment and First Edition if you like clean and bright.

I can even say that I have made cards with a few characters from Fairy Glen, not a lot of crafting time in my week but I have completed at least two and they are in the shop. Sometimes I do surprise myself and shock Katie when I turn up with something hand made. Come join in our challenges, give your fairies some inky love, spoil them with lush papers and embellishment and clothe them in beautiful colours. Them show them off to all other addicted crafters. You know its best to share :)

take care and take it easy,
too much hopping can be good for you, candy is hidden all over the place, please leave comments if you have a sweet tooth


  1. Another fabby hop. The DT have done wonders again.

    Torn between Pippi and Rosie as my favourites.

    Susan xxx

  2. Wow Gayle your team have done you proud over the last two days the blog hop was a stunning success the cards are gorgeous as are the fabulous images. hugs Shirleyxxx

  3. Great second Blog Hop! Woohoo...I love the new images soo much!! My order was placed already yesterday =)

  4. Just have to say that the DT have made absolutely stunning works of art from the gorgeous new stamps. I will be placing a order for some of the stamps as soon as I've made up my mind which ones I like the most, which isn't going to be easy as I love them all. But my favourite one of all as to be Hazel and Nutty, that squirrel is just so cute.
    Thanks for bringing us these wonderful stamps.
    Sharon x

  5. wow ... today again i m here to see amazing inspiration

  6. Oh what a treat the blog hop was on this wet miserable day .... thoroughly enjoyed looking at all the stunning DT cards :-) Yesterday Rosie and Jasmine were my favs but now i'm not sure because I also love Hazel & Nutty and Angelica :-)

    Lisa x

  7. Hi, Elaine. I've just ended the hop: it was a real eye candy, I enjoyed itso much! So hard to choose just one image ... but my fave is Jasmine, hugs, Miria x

  8. I really liked the work of Mina, but all works are beautiful:)
    ....anything nice for my eyes:) (sorry for my English)

    greetings from Poland!:)


  9. Another fab hop with so many gorgeous creations!!! Choosing a favourite was hard yesterday but today I have a new favourite!! Pippi Longsocks just reminds me of my childhood!! I always loved (and Still do) pipping Longstocking!! But all the new images are absolutely gorgeous!!

  10. Wow what a second day and I have changed my mind I just can't pick a favorite. I have to have them all :D
    Thank you so much for all the inspiration. I so wish I had them now to start playing.

    Huge hugs

    Amy xx

  11. Another fabulous hop!! I have LOVED seeing all the talented DT cards.....they do make it hard to choose a favourite :)
    Looking forward to inking up my fairy purchases today!!

    Jenny xx

  12. Definitely far too hard to pick a favourite! They are all lovely, I may have a very tough time choosing which ones to buy!


  13. Fabulous Bloghop.
    Stunning creations by your DT. Too many to choose just one favourite. I do think they do need to come to my home asap x

  14. What a beautiful cards are made ​​by the DT. My compliments to all the ladies. I find it very difficult to say what my favorite stamp is, but I still choose to Hazel on the mushroom. She is so cute

    Greetings, Angela

  15. What can I say ??? I really enjoyed the bloghop, what a great work all of the the DT members made, really beautiful cards, I absolutely love these sweet fairies !!

    hugs Astrid

  16. Wow...beautiful creations! Love them all!xx

  17. Great hop guys and more stunning creations. Great designs too've done it again.
    Erika. x

  18. My first bloghop and i loved it!
    So much inspiration and beautiful cards.
    My favourit is Marianne.
    Her colouring and details are just fab.


  19. I think these have to be my favourite stamps from Sugarnellie EVER!!! I absolutely adore them and the ladies who have created along the hop have showcased them so beautifully!!! great hop ladies. Thankyou. Joey xxx

  20. What a beautiful DT cards again made​​. Liked it a lot to blog hopping. Look forward to the next.

    Hugs Astrid.

  21. Thank you so much for another awesome blog hop.. I have loved every one.. the Dt rock !!!!
    Now i need to go and ink up some sugar.. thank you so much ladies..
    Big Hugs xxx

  22. I have enjoyed this hop so much, what talent these ladies all have, the images are all so gorgeous, it is so hard to pick just one as a favourite, today I think I am going towards Pippa Longsocks, so cute, but all are just brilliant, thanks to all the DT for such wonderful

  23. Stunning creations by all the DT, thanks for a really inspiring bloghop.
    Hugs Tracy x

  24. Another fabby hop!
    All gorgeous creations and a true joy to see. :0) xx

  25. Amaaaaaaaaaaaazing hop! Lots and lots of inspiration!!

  26. Nice to see you this morning Karen, elbowing your way in!
    I think these last two releases (Jingle Bells & Tinkle Bells and Fairy Glen) are my favourite ever stamps.
    I just had to buy all the Fairy Glen stamps,I NEEDED them!

    Both days of hopping have been fabulous, and the DT and Sweeties all made gorgeous cards to showcase your rubber babies.

    I bet those little fairies are 'flying' out the shop!

    Love Elaine x

  27. Another fabulous collection from a bunch of super talented crafters. Perfect showcase for some gorgeous new images - wish I could afford them all!
    Jenni x

  28. I love this BlogHop! Thank you!

  29. I really enjoyed the bloghop, all those beautiful, stunning cards, I love all the sweet fairies. I want, I need, I have to have all these beautiful stamps x

  30. Well Karen and Elaine what a fabulous stunning array of inspirational projects the fab DT have produced over the past 2 days, am definitely working on a stratergy to get some extra pennies for these cuties and they are already added to my wish list. How fab they are as individuals but wouldn't they be gorgeous for a wee girlies bedroom either in frames , on a banner or even stamped straight onto the wall and coloured or on furniture though I guess that would be alot of hard work. Makes me happy I don't have a wee girl or I think I would be tempted hard work or not. I definitely might try some in picture frames though when I have the pennies to buy the rubber as I have a young niece who I think as a christmas gift they would be perfect for. Thankyou for all the hard work from everyone it really is appreciated.

  31. I enjoyed both days of blog hopping, and love all the stamps. If I had to choose, right now my favorites are Rosie and Pippi Longstocking. I need to go shopping, LOL!

  32. Another fabolous hop! So much inspiration to get from the Dt cards!
    I found out that pippi is something I need too, ohh and the little one with squirrel. So cute.


  33. Was out yesterday as it was my Birthday so catching up today. Fabulous bloghop and have commented on them all though my comments didn't appear on Kiki and Jane's blogs. I kept changing my mind about my fave as I hopped around so I will have to say that I love them all. Marianne x

  34. Another fantastic blog hop, the cards and creations from the DT have been so stunning and gorgeous. :)

    It really is hard to choose just one favourite from the new stamps as they are all so adorable, but I do love Rosie and Pippi Longsocks.

    Thanks so much for the 2 days of hopping, it's been great to be a part of them both.

    Happy Crafting!!!

    (((hugs))) Lynn X X

  35. O yes.. This is was a really funny and full of inspirations blog hop. Images all adorable.. And i finaly understand I fall in love with "Rosie" image and will have it one day. )) Have a nice day everyone!!
    Natali (SME)

  36. what a great hop! I'm inspired by all the creations and am eagerly awaiting my shopping day. thanks so much for the fun!

  37. wow .. i njoyed yesterdays ..
    i want to own all the fairies ..
    fairy glen is my fav ..

    loving my hop

  38. i had fun hopping with you / love all the fairies ..
    i want i want
    plz drop by my blog too

  39. I really enjoyed this second day of the hop. It's so fun to see so many different makes of these adorable stamps. Well, of course I love them all but yesterday my favorite was Hazel and Nutty. That's still one of my faves but I'm also totally in love with Let Them Eat Cake and Rosie. Thank goodness they fell into my shopping basket yesterday ;)

  40. Looking forward to hop.

  41. Once again, a fabulous blog hop. There were some simply adorable creations along the way but I have to say my fave card and consequently my fave stamp would have to be Pat's card using Hazel and Nutty. That is one exquisite card, so sumptuous - I love it.
    Thanks girls for a great hop, hope the stamps are still in stock as I obviously just HAVE to have them all!
    Dawn xx

  42. There were a lot of cards on this blog hops. And they all were beautiful. You asked to pick out my favourite among all the images, but that is just not possible. Almost everyone has become a favourite!!

  43. Think my favourite stamp is Pippy Longsocks. Hard to choose though! Julia

  44. Oh, what a nice Blog Hop. All the Images are sooo cute and sweet. I love them all.

    Hugs, Jenny

  45. The DT girls have done a fantastic show case with these gorgeous cuties. Thanks for a pleasurable hop around once again. Carolxx

  46. Another tremendous blog hop today!

    And I am definitely kicking myself for removing Jasmine and Angelica from my basket yesterday:0( Note to self for future NOT try to be good and limit self to only 2 cute and gorgeous need what you need!!! Susie x

  47. Pick a favourite, it's not possible!! I must say; them all.
    Thank you for sharing.
    hugs Dorte

  48. Another wonderful showcase of your new stamps. The DT have really done a fantastic job of showing their versatility. Yesterday I thought I had a favourite image but now I'm not sure which I like the most!


  49. Fabulous blog hop again today and wow more stunning and beautiful cards from the DT and just love all the beautiful stamps
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  50. Hi, its lovley to see all the cards! A lot of inspiration to make some of my own. I've been trying to leave camment to every one of the designers, but in three or four blogs, I had problems with posting my comments. I hope I still can participate in the blog candy.

  51. Oh my goodness this fairy glen release was fabulous and the DT provided the most wonderful inspiration along the way. So hard to pick a favorite but I think I love either Jasmine or Hazel & Nutty the most :). Thanks for such a great hop!

  52. I love these little fairies : )

  53. I'm off to hop around and see these wonderful fairies!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  54. An enjoyable Blog Hop (although blogger wouldn't let me leave comments on Kiki's, Jenns, & Janes blogs so please pass on to them that their cards are gorgeous too)
    I really love all the new stamps you have brought out - I have managed to buy one or two but would just love to be able to complete my sets!! Father Christmas is going to get a bit list this year so thankfully I have been good all year!

    So good to see the DT's cards and the creations they have done - so inspirational.
    Best wishes SarahS

  55. More awesome projects today, what a wonderful talented team! Still got Pippi Longsocks as my favourite! x

  56. Well having hopped both days I was way too inspired to be able to wait for my fairies so have put in for the challenge using the great sketch and photo inspiration with one of my old favorites :D


    Amy xx

  57. Superbly chosen Karen & brilliant that these images can be used for different occasions. Your Design Teams have excelled themselves & thanks to everyone for such brilliant samples. It's great seeing such a variety of styles amongst the teams too.
    As to choosing a select few for purchase: almost impossible but I stick to Jasmine being my favourite. Rosie has to be a close second. Hazel & Nutty plus Angelica & then Hazel on the toadstool plus I cannot leave Pippi longstocking behind either. That will have to be my lot.
    Thanks for a lovely time.
    Paula (PEP)

  58. Thank you for this hop - such gorgeous creations on everyone's blogs - and all the fairies are adorable - I have not yet been able to choose a favourite.
    Love, Andrea xx

  59. fab blog blogger was being naughty today...


  60. What Fabulous creations, how do you pick a favourite from these adorable images though... Can I pick "Rosie" she is just so pretty and girly and very user friendly if you know what I mean :) And I just love "Pippi she is adorable xx Thanks for fab inspirations ladies xxx Mau
    off to my bed my 10hr coach trip has left my back in agony xx Catch up soon with challenge

  61. Loved both of the hops! I think my favorite stamp. if I must pick one, would be Hazel and Nutty. Lots of other cuties too though!

  62. Oh my, what gorgeous creations from the DT! They've certainly done these exquisite images proud! I really enjoyed this blog hop, I now have lots of inspiration to encourage me!!

    luv, Mags x

  63. Another great hop! Loved the DT creations and the new images! My fav is still Hazel & Nutty - and Pippi! I had trouble commenting on a few of the blogs - will try again later.

  64. Loved the hop again today - gorgeous inspration from everyone! Yesterday I said my favorite is Rosie but Pippi Longsocks kind of stole my heart today!

    Thanks for the chance to win!

    Julia D.

  65. Another day of fabulous projects! Oh my goodness - so much eye candy my poor little brain is on overload :) Rosie is still my favorite for today and I love Hazel on the mushroom though she was not used today. Oh and Angelica - what a sweet little fairy she is! So today it is between Angelica and Rosie :)

    Thanks for all these delicious projects you ladies have shared. And for the chance to win some yummy sugar!

    rebeccadunham at hotmail dot com

  66. Wow wow wow is all I can say! Fabulous creations and just the most adorable images! Love these fairies with their little buddies, precious!

  67. The DT has made it almost impossible to pick favorites. :-) I still love Hazel and Nutty, but I really like Jasmine a lot too. Thanks for an incredible hop!

  68. Fabulous hop, and gorgeous stamps as always Karen. Love wee little Rosie, that pose is sooo cute.
    Glad I got my order in quick, as i can't see them sitting on the shelves for long.
    Cathy xx

  69. Karen these are just fantastic, wish I could afford them all but Christmas is coming so a few hints to be dropped. Great hop, Dt did a fabulous job. My favourite keeps changing x

  70. Thanks for such a fantastic blog hop. I think Astrid is my fav if its possible to pick a fav out of all these lovelies!
    Hugs Lynsey x

  71. Just been on the 2nd hop.... oh wow! What talent! I think my very favourite has to be Pippy Longsocks... and I can't wait to play with my candy win from Elaine!!
    Christine x


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