
Share on Sunday SOS

Hello blog girls and maybe boys?
Hope you week has been full of nice things and you had some time to yourself.
I notice a few of you taking off in the direction of pinterest and I know that you
will loose hours looking at the beautiful things on that site.

SO which of them shall I share with you this Sunday?

I have a very sweet tooth, especially for cake, not just any cake but homemade or
the very best from small bakers. I love me some butter cream and strawberry topper :)

So you can imagine what I thought when I discovered a very talented woman by the name of AMY ATLAS a few years ago. Amy comes from NY and Dessert Tables are her thing, OMG these party tables are amazing!

I was so inspired by what she can do that we had a little play a few years ago at one of the instore demonstrations at Papercrafts, we did a pink table and of course there were cupcakes.

The picture above is not by Amy but some one else that I am sure was taken with her idea and made it her own.

I plan to do one at Debbie and Toms evening reception, but plenty time to think about that.
But I need, yes need these.

Those little cup cakes are the most elegant I have ever seen,
 just stunning and I know that
they look too good to eat, don't they?

So I am wondering what you all pinned this week. share with us this Sunday and add your blog post to
our list of participants this weekend.

thank you girls
(Debbi you know what I am thinking KIC)


  1. fab display Karen...those cupcakes look amazing.

    Got my name and URL round the wrong way...are you able to switch them around please.


  2. those cupcakes are a work of art - such a shame to eat them.
    I always KIC ;)

  3. Oh my what beautiful cupcakes, nomm nomm.


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