
I Lost Myself On A Cool Damp Night...

I gave myself in that misty light
Was hypnotised by a strange delight
Under a lilac tree...

The theme for today's new Sugar Bowl challenge is "shades of lilac" along with a fabby sketch to follow.
The Sweeties have done what the Sweeties always do and made a gorgeous display of cards to give you a little inspiration.

Kiki's beautiful card uses one of my favourite and most inked stamps, Elise. Such lovely, delicate colours, for both the colouring of the image and the papers.

Our Sugar Mama Gayle inked up the delicious Delia for her gorgeous card, using a darker palette and my most favourite ever set of looks like Gayle, Pat, Maria and myself all used papers from this same range!
And Erika has expertly coloured the digital image Rebecca.
Talking of Erika....
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday to you
Happy Birthday dear Erika
Happy Birthday to you!

Yes, the lovely Erika celebrates today...hope you have a lovely, restful day filled with good times and cake :)

Thanks for looking
Love Elaine xxx


  1. Just gorgeous - I'm laughing because lilacs are what I'm lacking in my copics.. I'll have to do what scares me the most ...
    have a go at mixing my prismas with my markers..
    Do I dare?! :0)

  2. lovely gorgeous cards..i had delivery of my two new stamps from sugar nellie today and briefly read about he off i started and completed my card with Candy pip....went to add it and dooohhhh!!!! didnt realise there was a sketch involved...i just did my own thing silly me ..that will teach to read onlky half of the post....never mind though i enjoyed my new stamps..hugs sassyxx


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