
Wedding Favours

Good morning sugar addicts, I hope your weekend has been a little relaxing as it should be.

Today as I sit in Oldmeldrum waiting for news as to  where Debbie has gone, Tom whisked her away on a secret honeymoon yesterday morning and the last I knew she was in an airport in South Georgia? Due to visa regulation she cant leave the USA for now, but that still give's them plenty of places to go, knowing Debbie is will be somewhere hot I think.

So the wedding was over two weeks ago and I thought you would like to see the crafty side of our day.
Here are the favours we made for the guests who spent the day in our company.

The un glazed pottery hearts I picked up in the gift clearance at Boots earlier in the year, when everything was half off it made them just a few pounds each. We removed all the packaging and re strung with organza ribbon to match the colour's of the wedding and added a printed tag with a message from the Bride and groom thanking everyone for sharing their day. The heart had a lovely embossed pattern similar to a die that I thought might be used for the invites but that idea did not play out.

The men's favours were a little harder to get right. Firstly it was to be a small bottle of Glenmorangie whisky as Cameron is affiliated with that brand but I could see the bottles being opened and drunk there and then and no keepsake being taken home.

Once upon a time I had a range of cards which had a pin and some tartan fabric attached to them, they were all "hunting , shooting and fishing" lines and sold very well as they pins themselves were worth having. I had a great idea about this pin sitting on a piece of tartan with a large tag behind with writing but time ran away from me and I ended up with a similar tag to the ladies with an extra poem, folded in half with the pin and a little bit of tartan ribbon. 
The poem I used was from Robbie Burns and something (yet again) I used to use of cards long ago. It's one of the few poems that I can recite and I thought it was fitting with Debbie leaving the UK.

My heart's in the Highlands, my heart is not here;
My heart's in the Highlands a-chasing the deer;
A-chasing the wild-deer, and following the roe,
My heart's in the Highlands wherever I go.

And that yummy cup cake was off the desert table, I had seen that flower on pinterest and asked a friend to make some for the top of an embossed fondant cup cake, stunning they were.

That's all for me today, its time to open the shop and see what Sunday in Aberdeenshire bring us.
 Enjoy the rest of your weekend and I hope you have time for a little crafting.




  1. OMG these are just gorgeous and the verse has me in tears.xx

  2. Beautiful wedding favours Karen.
    Very stylish and classy, and the flowers on the little cakes are so pretty!

    Hope you are managing to relax a little after the madness of "Mother-of-the-bride" duties!

    Hugs Elaine xx

  3. these are lovely Karen, very classy indeed x

  4. lovely favours Karen, . lovely and unusualthe verse was very fitting as you said.
    time to relax now, i know after my son got married we had been busy for weeks with the favours , cards , cake etc when it was all over i was at a bit of a loss after being so busy for so long it was a bit of a come down.

    caroline woodhall xxx


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