
Great Minds Think Alike :)

Good Morning :)

Today we have a new challenge posted over on the Sugar Bowl, with a sketch to follow and an optional colour scheme. I love a good sketch...I always find that having a sketch to follow makes the card making process much's the imagination gene that I was born without. 

As I said, the colour scheme is optional but I always try to follow the theme if possible. Sometimes it's easy and sometimes not quite so easy, but that's why it's called a challenge, right? 

Erika's gorgeous card uses the Leanne Ellis stamp Blossom. (Thank you for your fab sketch Erika)
I love little Annie, she's an older image but still very popular, and just to prove my point....

....I used a Leanne Ellis stamp too, this one is called Cup of Tea (sorry but she's out of stock at the moment) Great minds think alike eh?

Louise has chosen to ink up a much more recent stamp Candy Heart.
I love these little chubby fairies too, so sweet! 
I think Louise is also a whizz on the sewing machine. I like the effect of stitching on cards, so much so that I did buy myself a sewing machine a couple of Christmas's ago, but it was an evil machine that mocked me every time I plugged it in...and the devil wouldn't even sew in a straight line ha! 
I packed it's bobbins and needles and sent it to live with my Mum and Dad and the naughty machine is apparently as good as gold for them.

I hope you will find some play time and join in with our challenge...whether you can sew or not!

Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xx

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