
How Many??

Good Morning  :)

Guess what?
It's only 33 sleeps until Santa arrives...give me a yaaayyyyyyy!

Looking around blog land I can see that lots of crafters are in full Christmas production mode and this includes our wonderful and talented Sugar Addicts.

This gorgeous Christmas card is Marianne's entry into the current Sugar Bowl challenge, using the Leanne Ellis image Dreamer.

And a beautiful card from Cathy using one of my most favourite Christmas images, Crystal Flakes.
You obviously all love her too as she's all sold out at the moment.

And next is not a Christmas card...

...but did y'all see this little beauty from our very own DT girly Vicky?
Telltale is just the sweetest image!
And I love Vicky's felt flowers...I have a 'thing' for felt and find myself searching through my collection of dies to see which will cut materials other than paper and card.

There is still almost a week left to get your entry into the Sugar Bowl come along and join in with the fun :)

Thanks for looking.
Love Elaine xx


  1. Waw this are so pretty. hugs! Mojca

  2. "I think your blog is brilliant"

  3. These cards are so lovely. The telltail stamp is gorgeous, must get this one, kate x


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