
Another "Simply Adorable" . . .

Hey there, all you sugar lovers!! Pat Frank here with a new Sugar Nellie DT card!

Today's card features a precious digi image named "Faith"... from the "Simply Adorable" collection of Sugar Nellie stamps. You can find this image HERE at Funky Kits. "Faith" is just one of many "Simply Adorable" digi images available at Funky Kits, including the newest "Vintage Adorables" that are truly...well, they're truly ADORABLE!!! Here's a close-up...

I colored this sweetheart with my Copic Sketch markers.
Here's the list...
Skin: E21, 00, 000, 0000
Cheeks: R30 & 20
Hair: E23, 53, 51, 50, YR21, &20
Peach color: E95, 93, & R00
Aqua: BG75, 72, 10, 000, & 0000
Shadow: W1 & 0

And another view...

Now...if you'd like more info on how I made well as a peek at a few more pics,
please pop on over to my blog HERE!!

And, that's it for me! Sweet hugs to you all....


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