
Vintage Adorables – Launch Day Hop & Candy!

  The day is finally here, for our first launch and blog hop of 2013!

Vintage Adorables

Wait until you see these beauties…..they are ‘all around’ utterly adorable!

Size them to fit inside your circular dies or crop them to suit yourself…..the possibilities are endless.

You are only limited by your imagination…..
Of course, our fabulous Design Team have used their imagination to provide you with a little a LOT of inspiration….

So without further ado, I shall send you on your way to

Who kicks us off,  although if you get lost along the way, the full hop list is at the bottom of this post.

We would love to hear what you think of these delicious girls and so we encourage you to leave comments as you hop along,
and I would like to see you come back here at the end to tell me your favourite….

There might just be a little digi candy to go around!

Gayle x


  1. Hi Gayle - off to go and see all the wonderful creations.

    Toodle Pip

    Hazel x

  2. Fabulous hop and fantastic new digi's ♥

  3. stunning cards by the DT...really beautiful!


  4. Gayle

    Wow - what can I say - all the images are truly gorgeous - the expressions are fabulous.

    Thank you for sharing these with us.

    Have a great weekend.


    Hazel x

  5. Looking forward to this hop. xxx

  6. WOW!!! I LOVE the new images and the DT creations made with them are stunning. Thank you!

  7. You have named them very aptly, they are sooo adorable. Great hop too, all so talented and all beautifully coloured. xxxx

  8. OMG they are soooooo cute. How to choose a fave but I think Alicia is just my fave, followed closely by Sophia. Fab work from the DT. Thanks for sharing and for the chance to win x

  9. What a fabulous hop! And so many adorable images, hard to choose a favourite! Altho think Alicia is my favourite.

    Hugsss Jessica

  10. Wow
    All stunning and beautiful cards from the ladies and just love all of the New Adorable wouldn't no which one to choose as a favourite , thankyou for a fabulous blog hop
    Hugs Dianne xx :)

  11. wow ladies i'm loving them all xxx

  12. wow ladies i'm loving them all xxx

  13. I really did enjoy that hop, the images are all so gorgeous and the DT cards were beautiful... its a very hard choice to pick one - i couldnt :o) Alicia and Sophie were my No1 favourites, but I have to eventually own them all :o) xxxx

  14. Fabulous hop and the images are adorable. Marlene

  15. They are all fabulous but if I had to pick one (which is the point really lol!) it would be Annabel, just love her. Wonderful cards all of them! x

  16. What a fabulous blog hop and how hard it is to pick a favourite, but I think maybe Sophia wins that spot although they are all gorgeous.

    Pam x

  17. Oo there are some real cuties - I just love them all ! - a great start to the new year x

  18. A great hop and such gorgeous creations by the DT. These Adoables are all so beautiful it is very hard to choose just one favourite as I want them all. I think Amber has the edge for me with Sophia as a very close second. Hugs Christine x

  19. Fantastic job on the hop....your DT did a great job and these digis are so beautiful.

  20. Wow! That was a fun hop. Adorable - yes they are!

    :) Pam

  21. What a fun blog hop! I'm supposed to be packing, but just can't help myself!! Hugs, Wends x

  22. fabulous images, and blog hop, such a talented team!! Hugs Juls

  23. Wow, what a great blog hop and wonderful images! It's so hard to pick just one, but I think I like Rachel the best. Thanks for all the inspiration!

  24. Thanks for a beautiful sweet hop! Loved the new girlies, gorgeous faces and beautiful hair.The team have done wonderfully! Ruby x

  25. Stunning cards Gayle, I think the girls have done a brilliant job with these new images. hugs Shirleyxx

  26. so enjoyed the hop. what lovely cards from your DT. New stamps are Adorable!!, kate x

  27. WOW Gayle, your girls have worked hard to pull this off, so early after the Xmas and New Year celebrations, great work, and fabulous images, which I will be having on the 20th of January, payday, cannot come soon enough, well done xxxx

  28. Best hop ever!! I seriously am in love with these new "Vintage Adorables"...and it was such fun seeing everyone's gorgeous creations!! I do admit...I have a fave image...Annabel, of course!! Love her short, perky hairdo...and devilish twinkle in her eye! Thanks, Karen, for these great images...and thanks, Gayle, for organizing this fabby hop...and thanks to my DT sisters for being the BEST!! Hugs. Pat Frank

  29. Such cuties all of them but Amber and Rachael got my votes in the end =)

  30. These are all amazing! I can't pick just one I like.....I tried...I really did, but I can't! They are all gorgeous!

  31. I have to agree with my DT sistah Pat - fabulous blog hop and I LOVE these new digis. How could you not fall in love with their sweet litle faces? Thanks to Karen and Gayle ... and to all you wonderful sugar addicts for your lovely comments :)

  32. Can't pick a fave, they are all seriously cute and the ladies have really done them justice, just gorgeous.
    Hugs Sue W.

  33. A fabulous hop. I love all of the digis but I think my favourite is Alicia. Well done to the DT.

    Hugs Hayley X

  34. I can't remember if I posted here or not......but all I have to say is I'm in love.........with all of them! I can't ink a favorite! I have tried, but it is impossible!

  35. off to hop, love Adorables so this should be good x

  36. wow the DT did good!!! My favourite was Rachael but then I switched to Amber then to Sophia so who knows???? Great release Karen x

  37. Thanks for a great blog hop, all the DT creations are stunning and loving all the images, they are adorable...if I had to chose my favourite it would be Alica or Rachel
    Wendy xx

  38. Amazing new digi,s. Stunning cards and i think go shopping for this beauty,s.


  39. I love the new images, and it would be much too difficult to choose a favourite. The DT did an amazing job bringing them to life. Hugs, Denise x

  40. Hello Gayle, I have just finished hopping from one Dt blog to another, all creations are beautiful as ever, Enjoyed discovering those new and pretty images! thank you.

  41. Loved them I've just been and ordered. Hugs Erika.

  42. Wow stunning cards by all of your design team, so sweet images. All the best for the new year cheers Sue N x

  43. Really beautiful cards from the DT.They showcase the new stamps to perfection.Great blog hop too.Hugs Debbie x

  44. Stunning hard to choose a fav! love Amber, thought she looked like my Daughter....then met Sophia......she is the absolute image of her! Fantastic digis!
    Hugs Jo x

  45. A bit late in the day (been a busy old day in the Livesey household) but at last I have hopped along and drooled over all the DT's fabulous cards.
    What an amazing bunch of girls you have here, they really have done the most wonderful job of perfectly showcasing these beauties.
    All of them stunning!

    Big hugs
    Elaine xx

  46. OMG. I'm in love with adorable stamps and these new ones are so gorgeous. Your DT has made such beautiful cards with them. Choosing one is quite impossible, they're all so beautiful but if I have to choose...Hum Annabel,Sophie well too difficult.

    Happy New Year

  47. Fantastic blog hop! The images are adorable and I am off to do some shopping!

  48. What beautiful images and a wonderful hop. It is really hard to pick just one as I really like them all but if I have to pick one I think it would have to be Suzie as she reminds me of one of my grand daughters.

  49. Wow . . . Vintage "Adorables" is RIGHT!!! I think I'd have to say that Alicia is my fav new image. There's just something about her that's so appealing to me. Of course if I go back to take another look I might change my mind - LOL!!! Thanks to your wonderful design team for sharing all of their fanastic creations! Hugz, ~ Rose

  50. What stunning DT cards showcasing your new vintage adorable images. The images are all totally gorgeous and totally adorable too.

    Hugs Sarahxx

  51. Absolutely Sophia!!!! Such a pretty face! Great blog hop and I loveeeee all the DT work, so inspiering. hugs! Mojca

  52. They are all gorgeous, and the dt did such a lovely job. I really love Pat's card with the layering and that sweet Annabel. :)

  53. Hiya Gayle,

    That was a great Hop and what a fantastic array of talented creators you have on the team,each image was brought to life in the DT's own unique way and waht a stunning result from everyone!

    Take care
    Big Hugs

  54. oops

    My favourite was Amber but then I did also love in love with Suzie! They are all so gorgeous it is hard to choose!

    Big Hugs

  55. I love love these images. Have to decide which ones I want. I tried to comment on Lisa's Blog but it would not let me. All were lovely. joann sassy raggedy

  56. OMg these digi's are absolutely adorable and they have all been coloured beautifully!! Thanks for sharing! HUgsxx

  57. Fantastic BlogHop! Thanks for nice mood after it)

  58. Such lovely bunch of images and cards. They are all so sweet and must haves. Love little Annabel, she looks like she's up to something. :)
    Love n hugs

  59. Wow loved loved loved seeing all the fabulous adorables and the cards from the DT were gorgeous x
    Max x

  60. OMG ... what AMAZING creations from the team! The are all wonderfully talented with their designs and coloring! You say you want me to pick a favorite ... well that is just impossible since they are ALL just ADORABLE! I tried but was unsuccessful and choosing just one! BEAUTIFUL IMAGES (I will need them all! ... LOL)

  61. I love the new line. I couldn't wait ..I had to get them all. They are precious.

  62. Wow, wow, wow, so many favorites - it will be VERY difficult to choose, so maybe I NEED them all! Wonderful work and inspiration from the design team. Win xx

  63. Oh Wow - these Vintage Adorables are, well, truly adorable!!!!!! I really can't pick a favourite and the DT have done an awesome job in showcasing them. Thanks for sharing.
    Helen x

  64. What a talented bunch of ladies! And the new images are all awesome! I love the more realistic look. I must have me some of these!!!! Thank You everyone.

  65. Wow! The new images are all so gorgeous it would be impossible to pick a favourite! Your DT have done a fantastic job, it would be equally difficult to pick the best creation!

  66. This DT is fantastic, inspiration is out of this world! Now I have to go play and practice ;)

  67. They're all so cute, but Annabel was my fave! I MUST have her, LOL!


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