
SOS - Spring has Sprung

Happy Easter Sugar Addicts, I hope there is more chocolate about your house than there is in ours.

I love the minimal look of this stamped egg, not even a hint of chocolate!
But its not all about the chocolate, OH NO SHE DIDN'T!
Yes there are many aspects to Easter don't you know. LOL

I love the feeling of spring, bright yellow daffodil's and crisp white snow drops peeking through a lawn that has been battered by a bitter cold winter, now coming back to life with a splash of natural colour.

Living in the country is great at this time of year. Living in the country or country living, you can be in the middle of the city and still let the country into your home.

I am very much a country living kind of girl, love old furniture, mix and match china, flowers and just generally making a display of loved things in your home. {I do it at work too}

It's just the sewing projects that I fall back on, with a now ever increasing collection of fabrics
thanks to a delivery in our store.
I have to get on and DO rather than planning these little bits of fabric things.

But it's taking all my time these days just to keep the family happy, the kitchen is forever in use as its lambing time and that is "work hard, eat and get back out there time".
I can not keep the fridge full or the men fed, they just cause havoc with my day.

Some of you know that last year my son James was saving up to by his own Tup (daddy sheep) and with his own flock of Ewes (mummy sheep) added later on, GUESS WHAT!
Yes it is spring after all, lambs lambs and more lambs.

It's not the first lambing James has helped out at, he is 14 and has done since he could walk.
{in his first size green John Deere boilder suit and his yellow JCB wellies}
but this year the lambs are his.
But  kids on a farm see the circle of life au natural.
 And there was a young farmer with a heavy heart this week when one of his ewes lost 2 of her 3 lambs.
His dad gave him a pat on the back and told him that he still had a good ewe and one lamb, for that he needed to be grateful.

The lessons of life, passed on from one generation to the next.

have a great weekend


  1. What a lovely post and what a valuable life lesson learnt by your son. Have a very Happy (if busy) Easter and I hope that chocolate does feature at some point ;0) x

  2. I agree with Jane! What a fabulous post, Karen, m'love!! I am so going to come visit you and Gayle and Elaine one day!! (So cool how I just invited myself, eh?! hehe!) Hugs. Pat Frank

  3. What a wonderful post & perfect way for a young man to grow up. Living on a farm & learning things like this is a lesson we could all learn from. I could just hug that son of yours for his loss. I'm sure it hit him hard but thanks to his wonderful parents, sounds like he's handling it well.
    Those are the cutest little lambs I've EVER seen ...
    Hugs, Janie


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