
Saturday Shenanigans!

Happy Saturday Everyone!

I have a fairly packed weekend ahead....

Today I will be buying my girls winter coats and boots, because it's turned decisively COLD here in my little part of Scotland.

Tomorrow, I have a mountain of cakes to bake, as Wednesday is my last day at my current 'day job' and I reckon the guys there need some sweetness for putting up with me!

But, this morning, I thought I'd talk to you all about LUST!

(Those of a sensitive disposition look away now)

There are loads of things I lust after...

Some of you, may already know of my 28 year long John Cusack obsession. 

(What can I say? I'm loyal and he's delicious!)

Speaking of delicious......

I may treat myself to a little bar of this today, purely for medicinal reasons you understand, to sustain me through today's shopping expedition.

But top of my current 'lust list' are these little beauties....

Tim Holtz Limited Edition Distress Markers, I NEED them!!!

I am fortunate that I already have the original set but, it was a frequently discussed topic with Elaine that we really needed the limited edition colours as markers too, and the minute these were released they jumped straight to the top of my wish list!

(unfortunately they're still just 'on the list' but perhaps Santa just might assist?)

I haven't had much time for crafting lately as 'life' just seems to have gotten in the way BUT, I am determined that with the winter setting in I will perfect my colouring technique and as Distress Inks are my favourite colouring medium, these are the perfect accessory for adding more depth and dimension, than using the inks by themselves

Look at this beautiful card made by the lovely Andie using Distress Inks to colour our sweet Rosie

The shading in the folds of the skirt are something I aspire to, and I will get there this winter, I have promised myself!!!

Now, if you are lucky enough to miss trudging around the shops, with two small children today, why not stay home and do some crafting?

We would love to see your creations in  our 'Anything Sugar Nellie Goes' challenge over in The Sugar Bowl and  an 'Autumnal Theme' running on our Facebook page.

Finally today, I am curious.....

What's top of your crafting 'Lust List'???

Enjoy your weekend...


Gayle x


  1. Hi Gayle,
    Imagine my surprise when I popped over to read your 'lust' list (a woman after my own heart I must say, though any Green & Blacks would do me, I'm not fussy!) & I find you've showcased my card. Thank you for your lovely comments. It's really made my day. Good luck with the shopping & have fun with the cake making. Me? I'm off to paint the bathroom :~( which is why little things like this can really give you a lift. So thanks again.
    Hope Santa brings you everything you want!
    Big Hugs,
    Andie xx

  2. Thanks for sharing especially John Cusack, what's that you are not sharing him! I lust after all the SN stamps I don't already have, any gorgeous papers and dies, I do love using my dies. Hope the shopping went well xx

  3. it's a beautiful card, love the things you are lusting after, think I may agree :-)


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