
Up, Up and Away!

Hi Sugar Fans!

I hope you had a great Easter break!  Its Pami here with some inspiration for you today.  Although I must say I seem to have lost all of my "craftiness" at the moment so its a simple card for you today!

I have used the ever so gorgeous "Up Up and Away" which is available in rubber from Funky Kits and its on SALE at the moment!

I just teamed her up with some free paper which came from a magazine recently and a die from La La Land.  She is coloured with copics and I fussy cut her out so she could float off into the clouds!  I added some glossy accents to the balloon and then just a touch of glamour dust and pearls to finish off! 

More details on my blog here!

Have a great day.  Pop back tomorrow for some more fab inspiration! 

Pami x

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