
A little sneak peak....

Hi Sugar Fans

Christine here today...  and I have a little sneak peak for you!!  

This is a one of the new digi images soon to come from Sugar Nellie and Funky Kits.... not quite available as yet... but watch this space and you'll see them appear soon!

She was SO FABULOUS TO COLOUR with my Copics...  and luckily, I had some Japanese Origami paper tucked into one of my stash drawers - so I used that and some gold mirri card for the background.  See?  It pays to keep hold of things for years and years - they finally DO come in handy!! hehe

I used a gold fine pen on the image too....  but the camera hasn't picked it up that well..  such a shame!

If you want more details - hop over to my blog HERE.

Big sugary hugs
Christine x


  1. Ohh, this one is great. Got to get me some Origami papers :-)
    Grtz Janette

  2. This is just so beautiful. Simply breath taking

  3. This is beautiful.
    I love the rich colours when it comes to oriental crafting.


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