
Big slice of birthday cake

Dishing out the cake today as its my birthday. Oh I love cake, fresh cream cake , muffins or large chewy American style cookies. Me I love America, the shopping , the food, the shopping LOL

But today in Scotland we have birthday cake, and I want to send something sweet to Holland as a SUGAR SHAKER prize to this blogger, take a look

and to claim you prize let me know who you are and I will send something sweet too you as a thank you for linking to our blog.


do you read a lot of blogs?

It is an easy way to loose a few hour jumping from one blog, liking to another and so on. Before you know it, you cant remember where you started.

There is one very popular blog here in the UK, with a very talented Mummy. She is very creative but not with paper. I am delighted that she is allowing us to design a range of stamps based on her creations. I am hoping that Linda will come up with some fabby designs this month and that I will be able to tell you more soon. We are very excited with the plans on the table here at the sugar warehouse. But enough said, shhhhh, tell you all later.


  1. Happy Birthday ,hope you have a great day and loads of lovely cake ,best way to spend it ,Dawnxx

  2. Happy birthday to you! I hope you have a wonderful day with lots and lots of cake ;o) and presents, enjoy!

    And yes, I blog...a lot, go from one to the other and it's fun fun fun :D!

  3. can we guess?

    I'm guessing the little cotton rabbits lady - probably wrong :lol:

  4. Oh Karen, sorry I mist out on your birthday! Happy belatted birthday to you!

  5. Happy belated Birthday to you.What nice and sweet cakes,wonderful.
    and yes I also be a blog hopper.


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