
Busy Busy Busy

Sorry Sugar Babes I have not been around , what with no phone line and home and me being very busy in my other job which also has no phone connected, I have been neglecting you all. Forgive me and I will be back with you soon. Enjoy the great weather we are having in the UK and get ready for your next sugar fix :)


  1. I can't wait for my next new Sugar fix. Deb x

  2. Was just thinking that we hadn't heard from you for a while Eagerly awaiting news,specially bout the long awaited hanglars

  3. Hon we know you are a busy person but as long as you keep in touch every once in awhile so we know you are okay. Try not to work to hard and I sure am ready for the next sugar fix that is for sure lol

  4. Oh we forgive you especially with the mention of a sugar fix!!
    Joanne x

  5. hiya Mrs, great weather? not here in Northern Ireland, its raining cats, dogs and alot more.... Hope your lines are connected soon as I miss catching up on your gossip. Karen


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