
Sending you a little smile

WOW what can I say, amongst the pile of daily mail which any business has to open, it was a delight to come across a thank you from Erica :) and yes everyone who has seen it smiled too. It has been on display on the counter for all customer to see, we are so delighted with it, THANK YOU ERICA, you are just a darling for doing that.

I know that Funkykits also receive thank you cards and they have all been put up on display in the new PaperCrafts Boutique store which opened last week in ELGIN.


  1. Fabulous little gift!

    I am so excited to see that store, I feel a trip to Elgin coming on!

  2. OMG.. this is just the cutest!! no wonder it brought smiles all around Ü
    Fabulous creation Erica!
    Marlene x

  3. That looks so pretty ;) I would not mind to find that on my doorstep either ;)

    hugs Ria

    BTW that is one kewl store. Why don't we have that in Holland. maybe FunkyKits should open one here ;) hahaa

  4. that is just beautiful!!!!! Gorgeous work you are so lucky

  5. You're very welcome :D, I hope you enjoyed the chocolate (and that it wasn't a molten mess by the time it got to you ;o))

    Sugary Greetings,

  6. From 1 Erika to another, Karen showed my your beautiful gift when I was in the shop yesterday, stunning work, beautiful, or as Sharon Osbourne would say "fabulous darling!"

    And Karen doesn't the pic of the shop look fabby too.

  7. What a lovely thought, great gift very pretty Su x

  8. Gorgeous gift. Fab looking shop. I would love it to be near me but I suppose my hubby wouldn't. Deb x

  9. Beautiful!!!. I check her blog and all her cards are stunning. WOW.

  10. What a stunning creation! Lol Lynn x

  11. What a very sweet thought. It is such a lovely little gift.

  12. It's beautiful Erica! But we cannot bring ourselves to eat the chocolates! They are far too pretty!!! :)

  13. OH WOW--What a Super Sweet gift of appreciation and love!! =) Totally makes ME smile!

    And what a huge Craft Boutique--that's sooo awesome!

  14. Hij is schitterend Erica wat leuk bedacht!
    I think it's so cute this gift!!!

  15. wonderful creation Erica.
    I wish we had such a shop here in Germany (best near my home)
    must order the most things overseas and then wait and wait and wait.....

  16. Love the new shop!
    Have had so much fun with all my new goodies from there!
    See you all soon
    Tina xx

  17. Thank you for your lovely comments everyone :D! I wish I lived closer to Funky Kits too, but it probably wouldn't be a good move all ;o)

  18. Congratulations on the new shop opening hun Ü Mum says it looks great!!!
    Even though I've just opened my own, way smaller than your baby LOL
    I still can't wait to get through for a shopping spree!!!! All the best & look forward to seeing you soon, take care Ger


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