
Get ready for the party

This is one of the sketches sent last week by Mary, and now you can see why I smiled when I opened it. Mary Hall is a very talented and respected illustrator and you can read her full profile on the link to the right. I am delighted to have her on the Sugar Nellie team, I cant wait too for more sketches as I am now sure that these will be a great addition to the range.

GET READY TO PARTY....................over on Split Coast Stampers, SCS, we will be waiting for you to join us in the NEW YEAR, the time difference will interfere with chat but I am sure that we will all over lap at some time.

SUGAR BOWL will also open on the first, Gayle has been working hard along with her chosen team of helpers. Good luck girls, I cant wait to see what all the challenges are about.


  1. Oh that is just so cute dear love the sketch.
    Been waiting for the Challenge Blog and keep scooping out SCS.

  2. Love the sketch from Mary. Looks gorgeous! Can't wait to see the stamps.

    Looking forward to Sugar Nellie being on SCS, and also to the opening of the Sugar Bowl! So much great stuff going on in the New Year.

  3. Oh, these are adorable! I absolutely LOVE them!:) Wishing you a happy new year!


  4. These illustrations look great! I'm sure they will make fabulous stamps. I have seen her work before and it is lovely! Looking forward to beginning with the Sugar Bowl...woohooo!!
    Judy x

  5. Oh wow.. This is beautiful. I can't wait for next year.. :))

  6. OMG!!!!!!! Can you see me grinning? all the way from where you are? I love it * :) *

  7. Wow love it, can't wait to see the rest!
    Joanne x

  8. Mrs M, I love them, Want them, NO, i really do need them

  9. they look great wowwwww can't wait to see the stamps!!

  10. Wow!! These images are too cute. Looks like there are exciting things on the horizon at Sugar Nellie. Can't wait to join in with the fun.
    Happy 2009!!
    Sandra xx

  11. I adore that sketch from Mary-can't wait to see the stamps!!Dei

  12. Oh these are so cute! I really love Mary's illustrations
    Love Becky xx

  13. Love your stamps. I can't wait to see you guys over at SCS.

  14. hi there, I saw your banner on SCS. just wanted to stop in and tell you that your stamps are adorable. looking forward to your member co on SCS.


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