
Single Girls

I am not sure how many of you are waiting for single girls, these gorjuss stamps are all now at FK waiting to be let loose on the world tomorrow. Question is will there be enough? I am never sure about numbers but I have had a few emails asking about them.
How many of you are waiting?
Hands up so I can count :)

There have been a few sell outs with the March releases and we are re stocking those, I really must have more confidence in our range and order bigger quantities.

Catch you all later with a candy give away, hope you have a gorjuss day where ever you are.


  1. me, me I am one of those waiting for the single gorguss stamps Feels like waiting for christmas used to when you were a kid. Its been a loooooong wait but nearly there. I will be haunting the pc tomorrow. Will funky kits be sending out an email once they are available? or should I just keep checking every few minutes!

  2. I have my hand well and truly in the air :0)

  3. I love my gorguss ones - can't wait for the next lot to come out - got the pennies saved!
    Cathy xx

  4. I want all of them and my friend wants some too...I have to work tomorrow...I hope they will be in stock when I get home after work
    My Elisabeth Bell stamps has arrived yesterday...thanks and I am so glad that they didn't lost this time.
    greetings Janny

  5. oooh me i want a couple of the single girlie stamps...just not sure which ones yet!!!
    dose that make me sound desperate!! lol
    love tina x

  6. Count me in! *raises hand* I am waiting for the Gorjuss girls. I have my eye on at least two...

  7. *Raising my hand*

    I am waiting for the single girls..after seeing all the beautiful cards, felt stupid I hadn't ordered the full set.

    Hopefully my voucher balance had been I am off to FunkyKits to check and then order some of the gorgeous Gorjuss girls!

  8. I am waiting... anxiously :-)
    tomorrow is gonna be a GOOD day !
    thanks for continuing to give us mroe and more wonderful stamps

  9. i am waiting for these girls x do you know what time they will be on the site

  10. hands up here lol Are they going to be stocked in the shop in Elgin soon? I am planning a wee trip there in the Easter holidays :o)


    Amanda xx

  11. I'm thinking you should have ordered more than you have lol... i can't wait for tommorrow!!!hugs amanda xx

  12. I am waiting I want some of them - heck I want them all LOL but wasn't able to order on the group one and never got in even after an email saying they were back in stock.

  13. My hands are up! I so regret not getting them on pre order!
    Hugs Lynsey:)

  14. Me, Me, Me, both my hands are up :) Kim

  15. I'm definitely one of those who would like to have them!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Hugs, Alina

  16. Me, me! I am waiting for the single girls and hoping that the time difference between me and you doesn't mean they will all be gone before I wake up :)

  17. My hand is up and has been for so long as I shout 'me, me, me!' that my arm is aching! My elbows are at the ready-gosh, this is like the Harrods sale!!
    When will they be avaialble-ie exact time as that's when your server will crash under the heavy volume of traffic!!!I really hope I can get some..They're so beautiful!

  18. LOL. I'm waiting patiently at least trying too. I love those gorjuss girls and I'm looking forward to seeing the second set. Will we get any sneak peeks? Thanks so much!

  19. I have two hands up and I was wondering b/c I'm in the center of the US what time you will release them, I will set my alarm to get up and buy the lot of them!!!!

  20. One hand up. Or two :)
    (Waiting for some stamps to appear in my mail, already shipped, but I'll make room for a couple of Gorjuss!)
    Bye, Kitty

  21. I am waiting for the gorjuss girlz. So hands up....higher and higher

  22. me me me , I hope I can buy some this time was to late last time.. Can I sign in already, How late will they be on the site..

    I WANT THEM hahaha LOL

    Huggggzzzz Colinda

  23. I am waving my hands here!!!! I need to get my hands on some of these!!!

  24. I was hoping to get hold of the girls set's still waiting forlornly in my cart! Would like the leanne ellis set 1 too but that's out of stock as well! I'll just have to keep checking back

  25. Oh me, me, me ME!!!! Can't wait would love all the Gorjuss girls but am having to choose one or might sneak two while hubby isn't looking! Hope you have enough stock I think there might be a stampede! Jane

  26. HI
    I am waiting for the singles would like at least 2 or three hopefully
    Debra xx

  27. I'm waiting!!!! Will hurry in to buy some...

  28. Sweet!!! I'm off to fill up my cart. :)

  29. My hand is certainly up! I can't wait to have the girls at my own home!
    Thank you for the good news,

  30. My hand is certainly up! I can't wait to have the girls at my own home!
    Thank you for the good news,

  31. Waving my hand like a wild woman!!! I am sooooo excited!

  32. I´m in every day to see if the new stamps are availible.. So you have my hand ( both).

  33. Me!! I am going to get myself some Gorjussness. I just hope they do not sell out before I get home from work. Could you put them on before I go, LOL! Feels like I have been waiting for this day a long time, don't think I will be able to sleep tonight!
    Andrea xx

  34. I am definately going to try and get my hands on some of the girls. I stupidly decided not to go for the set. I now ask myself why. Anyway can't wait to order stammps. Also when do the next gorjuss girls come out. You mentioned them a wee while ago. Missed Sugar Nellie at the SECC. Are you going to go in October?

  35. My hand is up very very high and I'm dancing my pudding dance and singing 'oh yes I get some gorguss' !
    See the effect you have tickling our fancies with this expectant post!
    If I wait up till just after midnight do I have a chance to order? Oh I do so hope so!

    Gosh the excitment is too much and I doubt I will sleep anyway - so I am here till midnight! lol

    Hope I don't fall aslepp and miss them! that would be tragic! Oh gosh I am so excited I am waffling!

    I will stop now.... so is that an answer to your question?


  36. I've got my eyes on several! Can't wait!

  37. Me too, me too waiting is soooo hard. I feel like an impatient child.LOL Don't tell my kids cuz I always say to them "Patients is a Virtue.

  38. I have my eyes on several! Can't wait!

  39. Me too, me too! hahaha I feel like an impatient child. LOL! Except don't tell my kids cuz I always tell them that Patients is a virtue.

  40. Me me me!!! I am waiting and my friend is waiting too!!!!!

  41. Me me me.... Both hands and feet in the air. Missed the pre-order as on holiday & so now I am hoping to pick up all of them! But it all depends on when they go on line as I will be at work all afternoon.

  42. I'm eagerly awaiting these, I had them in the cart so many times but keot resisting temptation but this time I'm deffinately getting at least one !!! x

  43. I thought they would never get here, lol. I might treat myself with one or two now that the pound isn't shamelessly expensive compared to the swedish krona, lol.

  44. I have been waiting and waiting for these to become available again. Like other posters, I didn't decide that I needed these girls until it was too late. :( But now I will be here tomorrow! I cannot wait!

  45. I can't wait I have been checking the site constantly for any news.

  46. Me, me, me!! (Madly waving hand in air like a five year old!!)
    I was offline when these were originally launched so was caught offguard when I saw them on the blogs and in the galleries!!!
    I might have to stay up all night just to make sure I get them!!
    Kathleen x

  47. Me, me, me... I can't wait to see the new releases.... Definitely your candies are the best!!!

  48. My hand has been in the air since the first group was released!!!!!!
    I didn't find you until a couple of days later. I want one of each and put my name on your site to let me buy when they came in.
    I also want to order the set of new ones on April 3.
    Holding my breath in Canada......

  49. I'm sitting here waiting and waiting!!!!! :)

  50. well i waited till i couldn't keep my eyes open, then jumped on this morning to check and there's noting in the section..... cant believe it! did i miss them again {goes off to sob in corner}

  51. oh yes I'm wating for those beautiful girls to arrive, i hope it will happen soon!!

  52. i'm desperately waiting but my hubby told me we're on a strict spending freeze until the end of the month. I thought i was going to cry!!!!

  53. Me, me, me! I want all the Gorjuss stamps!

  54. phew, ordered them this morning, so over moon!
    cant wait for them to arrive now

  55. Me too I am standing on a chair with my arm up, tried this in junior school, it didn't work then either but it's worth a try!!!!!!!!!!!!
    Belinda x

  56. I have both hand in the air!
    Love my #1 set so I really love to have de #2.
    Can't wait!!!!!


  57. I missed kit #1, so I certainly hope those out of stock will be back soon *puppy dog eyes*

  58. I was waiting for the single girls but had to go out for the day and when I got back the ones I wanted had sold out, BOO HOO!!! Will have to wait for them to come back into stock.


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