
Friday festivities

Friday festivities over on SCS begin at 8pm UK time, firstly I will choose a winner for the Gorjuss challenge that has been running over there and the winner gets a set 2 so no need for them to pre order :)

I will have to learn a lot this coming weeks, firstly how to load picture into posts at SCS, if I fail I will revert to showing you all the gorjuss girls here. Remember there is no hurry to pre order, they will not run out, we will make the numbers that Funkykits ask for once they close pre orders on 11th of April, you have until then to decide if you really really want them!

Today again I was over at FK but due to the amount of emails that have been backing up, I got no time to pack any orders at all. There are many many emails and it is not possible to answer them all, a full time job in itself, so please forgive us if yours is not answered or takes a long time to get an answer. I will be listing a page on FK for FAQ in order to cut down the shear bulk of email questions.

But tonight is party night and I am so glad the I can go to this party without the trauma of having to get all dressed up in something that my inner self believes is far to big and who's body is that anyway! Gone are the days when I could put on the high heals and glam dress, those days belong to my daughters.

Just time to prep a few things and make the dinner for the family and I will see you all later, 8pm

hope you are all having a gorjuss day!


  1. Oooo am so excited I'm like a child at Christmas!! I am doing tea for everyone now so I can hurry my little ones to bed in time LOL!!! x

  2. soooo looking forward to seeing the new gorjuss girls!!

  3. I'm so excited and sitting at SCS waiting for the party to begin! I know these stamps are going to be FAB!!

  4. hope the party went well Karen


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