
Dear Donalda

Donalda says........
I am a mother of 2 grown girls and 6 grandchildren. I love to stamp when I get home from work for it relax's me. I have come to realize that my blog is for my enjoyment, so I do what I can when I can.
But I say...............
Donalda was one of the first International supporters of Sugar Nellie stamps, many many of you will have had a lovely comment left on your blogs by this very generous and caring lady. It goes without saying that not everyone takes the time to leave a comment when viewing blogs, we all suffer from itchy fingers while blog hopping and move on quickly through the endless supply of links to view.
Dear Donalda............... she refers to everyone as Dear, such a warm and mothering endearment, it reminds me personally of the Mrs Doubtfire character, I have never met Donalda, that's exactly what I envisage, a warm, comforting mother figure who has endless time and kind word for everyone she comes across. I do not believe for one minuet that the time and effort she gives freely to all that she in involved in can ever truly be appreciated and that is why I chose this wonderful woman as part on our team.
Her work is great too :) pop over to her Sugar Nellie gallery or visit the blog link on the left.

This is Donalda's treasure box, see the full project on her blog.



  1. That is a gorgeous box and I will definitely be checking out the instructions at Donaldas blog :) Thanks for the link :)

  2. Totally agree-Donalda is one of the sweetest ladies:) I absolutely love her work, very distinctive as well me thinks which can only be a good thing! Love Ro

  3. Congratulations to Donalda and congrats to Sugar Nellie for snagging her!

  4. Oh I so agree with you Donalda is one of the nicest kindest people in Blog land and I am so pleased to be able to call her my very good friend. Thank you for letting her know how much we all appreciate her.
    Hugs Jacqui x

  5. Wow Donalda, how do you manage to fit everything in! I'm in awe of your talent, commitment & kindness, congrats on being a DT member and long may it continue xx


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