
Do you know your candy?

Want to join in a little fun on SCS, do you have a sweet tooth?
How well do your know your sour plums from your bulls eyes?
Eight bags of sweets can you name them?



  1. OMG I am most definitely a sweet tooth....Here is my take on names those sweety bags
    1. Liquorice Torpedoes
    2. Kola Kubes
    3. Sherbert Strawberries
    4. Edinburgh Rock
    5. Sherbert Pips
    6. Pear Drops
    7. Barratts Shrimps
    8. Gobstoppers

    Now you have triggered the need for sugar......should I stamp for guilt free sugar treat or indulge and and have a rummage through the kids trick or treat bags? LOL

    Jean xx

  2. M&M and Marsmello's and pears and dummi's and???????????

  3. I think they are
    1. Liquorice Comfits
    2. Cola Cubes
    3. Sherbet Strawberries
    4. Edinburgh Rock
    5. Sherbet Pips
    6. Pear Drops
    7. Foam Shrimps
    8. Gobstoppers

    I used to love Edinburgh rock but I think they've changed the recpe now :(

  4. awwwwwwwwwwww I know I will be off to the sweetie shop this week, I only have to see cola cubes and my mouth is a watering!!! lol.x

  5. errr I recognise lots of them but cannot remember the names, except for one at the moment. Let em think.......

    By the way Happy 2nd Birthday

  6. Ok, I'm playing just for fun!!
    Liquorice Comfits, Kola Kubes, Sherbet somthing or others! , flumps, rainbow drops, foam shrimps and bubblegum (not sure of exact name)

    Have a fun night! will hopefully be popping over to SCS sometime tonight,
    Judy x

  7. Oh my! I thought I was a candy expert, but some of these have really go me thinking.

  8. liqorice torpedoes
    kola kubes
    barley sugar
    mini marshmallows
    sherbet pips
    pear drops

    haven't seen the pips in years lol

  9. Here are my guesses:

    1- They look like my favourite ever sweets, Liquorice Torpedoes!

    2- Kola Kubes.

    3- Sherbert Strawberries.

    4- Mini Marshmallows.

    5- Sherbet pips?

    6- Pear drops

    7- Shrimps

    8- Gobstoppers? or bubble gum?

  10. Wowo the this takes me back to the sweet shop pouring over all the jars trying to decide what to pick!
    Right here goes I think they are -

    Liqorice Comfits
    Kola Kubes
    Strawberry Sherbets
    Oddfellows (I loved the alphabet ones)
    Sherbet Pips?
    Pear Drops
    Aniseed Balls????


  11. oooh lovely I am going to guess
    cola cubes
    strawberry sherbets
    mini marshmallows/flumps
    sherbet pips
    pear drops
    ooohh golly gosh i sure do have a sweet tooth and boy do these bring back memories some of these i havent seen in the shop for years thanks for the little smile you have put on my face.
    tracy x

  12. 1 Licorice Torpedoes
    2 Cola Cubes
    3 Sherbet Strawberries
    4 Edinburgh Rock
    5 ?
    6 Pear Drops
    7 Shrimps
    8 ?

    Thought I knew my sweeties but not sure about 6 and no idea about 5 or 8!
    Jenni x

  13. 1. Liqourice comfits
    2. Cola cubes
    3. Shebit Colas
    4. Edinburgh rock
    5. sherbit pips
    6. Pear drops
    7. Shrimps
    8. gobstoppers

    Oh my word no wonder my teeth are rotten, should stick to the safer sweet fix lol.

    Alison x

  14. OK here's my attempt
    1. liquorice torpedos
    2. cola cubes (in the background ;) - for anyone who watched the MJ tribute by Bo Selecta)
    3. strawberry sherbets
    4. edinburgh rock
    5. sherbet pips
    6. pear drops - did anyone escape a shredded tongue eating these? I didn't!
    7. barratts shrimps
    8. gobstoppers - sadly do not live up to the name for my kids!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win goodies xx

  15. Poo, my pc just went all wobbly so not sure if I sent my comment or not, sorry if this appears many times, eek!

    OK here's my attempt
    1. liquorice torpedos
    2. cola cubes (in the background ;) - for anyone who watched the MJ tribute by Bo Selecta)
    3. strawberry sherbets
    4. edinburgh rock
    5. sherbet pips
    6. pear drops - did anyone escape a shredded tongue eating these? I didn't!
    7. barratts shrimps - so much nicer than the bigger ones
    8. gobstoppers - sadly do not live up to the name for my kids!!!

    Thanks for the chance to win goodies, I've got everythin crossed :) xx

  16. Hope this is where we name the sweets????
    Here goes:
    1. Liquorice Torpedos
    2. Cola cubes
    3. Sherbet Oranges
    4. Mini Marshmallows
    5. Sherbet Pips
    6. Pear drops
    7. Shrimps
    8. Rainblo Bubble Gum

    I'll keep my fingers crossed

    Hugs Sarah B X

  17. Oh yummy!!!!
    I 'think' they are...
    1) Liquorice Torpedos
    2) Cola Cubes
    3) Cough Candy
    4) Little rock type flowers! (Not sure what they were called! lol)
    5) Sherbert Pips
    6) Peardrops
    7) Foam Shrimps
    8) Gobstoppers

    Shame it's Sunday...I think I NEED some of those now!! :0)

  18. Here are my answers:
    Licorice Torpedos
    Cola Cubes
    Cough Candy
    Edinburgh Rock
    Sherbet Pips
    Pear Drops
    Pink Shrimps

    Happy Birthday BTW

  19. Here are my answers:

    1. Liquorice Torpedoes (Liquorice Comfits)
    2. Cola Cubes (Kola Kubes)
    3. Sherbet Strawberries (Strawberry Sherbets)
    4. Mini marshmallows
    5. Sherbet Pips
    6. Pear Drops
    7. Shrimps (Candy Shrimps)
    8. Gum Balls

    I'm a bit unsure about number 4, but that's all I can think of, LOL!

    I adored Sherbet Pips when I was a child, and was also known to eat Pear Drops, Shrimps and Cola Cubes once in a while too! LOL!

    Hugs, Sem x

  20. Ok we have
    1. Torpedoes
    2. Cola Cubes
    3. Sherbet oranges
    4. mini mashmallows
    5. Sherbet pips (I used to love those!)
    6. pear drops
    7. Shrimps
    8. Gob Stoppers

    How did I do? :-)

    That brought back memories, thank for the sugar rush!

  21. 1. Liquorice Comforts, 2. Cola Cubes, 3. Strawberry Sherberts, 4. Edinburgh Rock, 5. Tom Thumb or Fruit Pips, 6. Pear Drops, 7. Shrimps & 8, Gum Balls.

    Hope this is not to late.
    Kim xXx

  22. 1- liquorice comfits
    2- cola cubes
    3- strawberry sherbets
    4- edinburgh rock
    5- shrimps
    6- pear drops
    7- sherbet pips
    8- gobstoppers
    Hope they're right !

  23. Ok after quite a discussion with my hubby, these are our final decissions.

    1 - Liquorice Torpedoes
    2 - Kola Kubes
    3 - Strawberry Sherbets
    4 - Mini Marshmallows
    5 - Sherbet Pips
    6 - Pear Drops
    7 - Shrimps (my kids still eat these)
    8 - Rainblo Bubble gum

    Well I must say that you have given me a big excusse to dive into my children's Halloween treats from last night, you have given both my husband and I a joy remembering our youth, THANKS Karen xoxo

  24. Having spent far too many hours pouring over what to bring back to Canada this summer, I think I know quite a few of these, LOL: liquorice torpedoes, kola kubes, sherbet strawberries, Edinburgh rock, sherbet pips, pear drops, Barratts shrimps, and Rainblo bubble gum. Now I need to go and raid the kids' dolly mixtures...shhhh...

  25. Here are my guesses.

    1 Liquorice comfits or Torpedos
    2 Cola Cubes
    3 Sherbert Strawberries
    4 Mini Marshmallows
    5 Sherbert Pips
    6 Peardrops
    7 Shrimps
    8 Bubble Gum Balls

    That has brought back some memories.

    Have a great Birthday, Tammy x

  26. Hello :D

    Well, now are they yummy sweets! Hmmm

    I think they are:

    Liquorice Comfits, Cola Cubes, Sherbet Strawberries, Mini Marshmallows (but torn as I think they may be linked to Edinburgh Rock), Fruity Pips, Pear Drops Mmm one of my Favorites, Pink Shrimps and Gum balls/Jawbreakers.

    Ooooo I wish I'd been around earlier to play at SCS.. Gonna have a mooch over there to see if anyone is still about!

    Kimmi xx

  27. Phew, slightly hard since I live in Sweden and haven't even seen half of these, lol.
    But I can't say no to a contest so I "researched" a little and here are my answers:

    1. liquorice torpedoes/comfits
    2. turkish delight/cubes
    3. sherbet strawberrys
    4. marshmallows
    5. flying saucers/sherbet pips (hard to see on the photo)
    6. pear drops
    7. candy shrimp
    8. jawbreakers/gobstoppers

    Hope I was somewhat right :D

  28. Here's my attempt at the quiz

    1 Liquorice Torpedos
    2 Kola Cubes
    3 Sherbert Strawberries
    4 Mini Marshmallows
    5 Sherbert Pips
    6 Pear Drops
    7 Barrats Shrimps
    8 Gobstoppers

    Congratulations on being 2 and thanks for the quiz.


  29. Hi Karen,
    I love my sweetie, of both the sugar & rubber varieties! Not sure if all these are correct, but they certainly got me salivating!! I think they are:-
    Licquorice Torpedoes, or Comfits, (I'm not sure what the difference is - I'm not keen!)
    Kola Kubes -yummy!
    Sherbets, strawberry or orange, hard to tell - yummy!
    Edinburgh Rock - Mega yummy!!
    Sherbet Pips or something like - yummy!
    Pear Drops - super yummy!
    Pink Shrimps - wouldn't say NO!
    Gob Stoppers - Yum!
    Hope I got these right! Thanks for the opportunity to win. Happy Birthday!!
    Andie xx

  30. Well, I'm really not sure, but I will give it a go. These are my answers:
    1.Liquorice Comfits
    2.(Cola) Cubes
    3.Barley Sugar
    5.Flying Saucers
    6.Pear Drops
    7.Candy Shrimps
    8.Bubblegum balls

    Happy Birthday to Sugar Nellie! :)
    Hugs, Vanja

  31. Okay, it's me again! Scrap my last entry, as I know I got number 4 wrong!

    So here is my revised and 'final' entry:

    1. Liquorice Torpedoes
    2. Kola Kubes (Cola Cubes)
    3. Sherbet Strawberries (Strawberry Sherbets)
    4. Edinburgh Rock
    5. Sherbet Pips
    6. Pear Drops
    7. Shrimps
    8. Gobstoppers

    Thanks Karen for a fun comp - really took me back...

    Hugs, Sem x

  32. Liquorice Torpedoes
    Kola Kubes or Cola Cubes
    Sherbet Strawberries
    Edinburgh Rock
    Sherbet Pips
    Pear Drops

  33. I remember all these sweeties from my childhood!
    Liquorice Torpedos/Bullets
    Cola Cubes
    Strawbery Sherbet
    Edinburgh Rock
    Sherbet Pips
    Pear Drops
    Luckily, I don't have a sweet tooth these days, except when it comes to the rubbery versions of course!
    Maria xx

  34. I hope I am still on time! My guess is
    1 liquorice torpedos
    2 cola cubes
    3 sherbet strawberries
    4 edinburgh rock
    5 sherbet pips
    6 pear drops
    7 shrimps
    8 gobstoppers
    I had help from the net, I am from the Netherlands sooo I could use some help. x Linda
    My e-mail address is :

  35. Im sorry I can only recognise a few of them, liquirice alsorts, Marshmellows, Gobstopers, Pink Shrimps, and cough candy. With love and hugs Shirleyxxxxxxxx

  36. OK girls your did great, a lot of you got it right and I have decided to send all winner candy.



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