
A little bit of Tartan

Kate who runs the retail store, Papercrafts in Elgin, has been playing in her spare time, how she finds the time I do not know, but a lot of the amazing samples in store are done by Kate. Its a shame my photography lets  the side down because this card has got to be seen for full effect.

Here we have another delightful stamp coming to you next week, I know that Mark at Funkykits is waiting for another delivery of Magnolias before putting these online, but he does have them all. So do the DT and keep an eye out for them on their blog's.

He has also been going to our list of followers and  looking out for our logo on your site, he has visited many of your blogs and only found a few with the logo, did you miss out on a prize?  Pick this logo up and show it on you blog, linking back to here, thank you :)


  1. Kate's card is so original & apt for the image. Another Mary Hall that is just classic - ideas are whizzing in my heaf for teaming her up with Big Bunch of Love. Haven't dared ask husband yet for 50 Sugar Nellie's for my 50th birthday but this one will go on the list.
    Bye for now
    Paula (PEP)

  2. gorgeous card can't wait to recieve my goth girl and the new mary halls are fab too.
    I have had my logo up since the beginning i love everything sugar nellie xx

  3. I've been trying to put the logo up on my blog but blogger tells me the link is broken and can't be used till it's fixed :( Susan xx

  4. Kate's card is fab ... I added your logo when you released them. It is on my sidebar on my blog.
    Love these new mangas ... jst waiting for payday!
    Cathy xx

  5. Beautiful card!!
    Happy Mother's Day!
    Thanks for all!!!!

  6. I've got your button in my right sidebar & linked to here. I was going to do this last week but ended up fighting a sinus infection instead (yuck!). I'm better now & ready to play again. In fact, I think I'm gonna dig out my stamps & play in some SUGAR! *LOL*

  7. I Love the tied corset effect to match the stamp beautifully done, as usual!

    I can see I am going to have to spend even more money on these new manga stamps, They are fantastic!

  8. OH Karen, tell Kate...this is fantastic, i loved the torn tartan.
    dont tell me about new stamps.... lol

    love tina x

  9. Fabby card and Shang a land keeps popping into my head lol. Another sweetie image by Mary, desicions decisions lol. hugs Ali x

  10. A beautiful card and an adoreable stamp! Love it! :)

    My link on my blog is still there, I also added when you released it :) so I hope, hope, hope mark visits! :D

  11. Love this Manga she so reminds me of Abby on NCIS. Fab card thanks for sharing Julye

  12. What a fantastic card this is! I've added the logo to my blog too ~ these new stamps are just too darn cute!

  13. Love the tartan - that image is just the best of the lot!


  14. the logo is definitely on my blog - although I did have it linked to funkykits, I've fixed that now.
    that card looks fab, must dig out those tartan papers I have hiding somewhere

  15. I have been checking out your fab blog for some time but hadn;t realised I wasn't following as you are listed on my sidebar. I have had the logo shoing in my sidebar for some time so have now made sure I am a follower. I love SN. Marianne x

  16. I have the logo on my site from the start xxx

  17. Kate you know I love this card, am going to steal this idea for myslef I think, i've just been out and come back with tartan papers and ribbons, off to make a Dancing maggie in kilt card first though for a friends wee girl who is a very taleneted little highland dancer

  18. stunning card,fab inspiration,have put the logo on my blog and become a follower
    happy crafting
    lalkygirl x


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