
Leanne Ellis candy #6

Today's candy is little Miss Annie sitting  on top of a special gift for you.
Leanne Ellis has designed a variety of stamps for us but this cute character of Annie is one of my favourites

If you lovely Janiel's project lst week, you might need to add this one to your collection.

Jump right on down to the bottom of this post and put in your entry, good luck.


Random things I do with my time.

google is my gateway to everything................

today I googled images with some very surprising results
gorjuss girls 24,400
sugar nellie 585,000
Diane Duda 102,000
Leanne Ellis 84,800

last night I googles origami and it took me in the end to this site. Need to try out some of those flowers :)

So the best way to waste a few hours or even a  day is to surf!

What else is a girls to do is this weather? We have rain, rain and more rain, umbrellas required and don't forget your wellies if your any where near us here in Scotland. Needless to say that DH the farmer can't do anything in this weather but then again he's house bound due to "back problems" but you don't want to hear all about that!

 So not only are the kids in the house today but DH too, great joy, cant even send them out to the garden. I am sure I have some painting by numbers, that could keep them happy for about 10 minuets! Oh happy days, school goes back next week and along with many parents we cant wait.

BUT then again there are those little innocent darlings who will be going to school for the first time, Yes that's Ava too, I am sure Gayle will be shedding a tear (this year) when school starts. Oh bless them all, once they are in school , watch out, it amazes me the things they come home with once they are subjected to all that goes on in the school, like little sponges they absorb everything!



  1. The internet is an amazing place, and so easy to get lost in surfing. lol Hope your hubby's back is feeling better soon, and that the sun comes out for you before next week! :)

  2. you are so generous hun
    thanks for the chance
    i love the stamp
    hugs angelique

  3. I can come up with something for this one - most certainly. Am going to order some Flower Soft of the new Ultra Fine kind...... imagination is working.
    Paula (PEP)
    My husband's back is playing up too!

  4. Enjoying the fun on here at the moment. We have had a better day today in Cornwall. No rain. Enjoy the last of the school holidays.

  5. OMG! I checked out Folding trees site - and I'm SO gonna try out some of the tutorials! Looks so much fun to do - and not so difficult as I thought origami would be. Thanks for the tip! :)

  6. Tears????

    Heck no.....PARTY!!!!

    PARTY at four year old Ava to boss me about!!!!

    But, I will pack me some hankies (just in case)

    Gayle x

  7. LOVE this stamp, she just looks SO cute sitting there.

    Judi xxx


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