Lets give the boy a hand
Lets hear it for my baby
You know you gotta understand...
Just having a bit of a boogie moment here, and showing my age too!
The optional theme for the new Sugar Bowl challenge is "One for the boys" and a theme that really made me groan out load, but I love a challenge and I always find it's good for me to stretch myself and try something out of the ordinary...I never make boy cards!
I really enjoyed making my card and my choice was a baby image but with Father's day on Sunday (in the UK) maybe I should've made my Dad a card instead!
Fiona has used the stamp Worried...note to self: must remember to buy this stamp next time I'm filling my basket at Funky Kits. I love this image but don't appear to own it! Shocking, I know!!
I do hope you will follow the sketch and join in with our challenge..the theme is optional if you're not feeling brave enough to tackle a boy lol!
Thanks for looking
Love Elaine xx
beautiful cards ladies x