
SOS- 50 shades

So here we are again, how quick does Sunday come around?
This Sunday I would like to share my love of reading with you.

For the last 4+ years I have been an avid fan fiction reader, a huge online site where novice authors write and load up their stories for folks like me to read and review. They don't get paid for it and they must spend a lot of time on these stories for little or no reviews. There are 1000's or stories featuring your favourite characters from book, TV show and everything in between. Be it Friends, House, CSI or Harry Potter there are stories with your favourite characters all over the net.
( only read compete stories with 2000+ reviews to save your brain getting fried)

I entered the fan fiction world via Twilight, after watching and re reading these stories again and again, I was lost as to what to do next and found myself online, reading stories which all featured Edward and Bella in every story line you can ever imagine and some you cant.

This is where I first read Master of the Universe, 3 or more years ago it was freely available to read and I was delighted to make the connection to the very much talked about 50 Shades or Grey books.
Why you might ask because it is no way a literary masterpiece and has received much criticism regarding it content.
I was delighted that someone who had spent an enormous amount of time writing something for pleasure, shared it with others not knowing how well it would be received, had her work published!
It's what every would be author dreams about and I am pleased that she has been successful in writing a store that was read by 1000's, got picked up by a publishing house, has a "hot" best seller and now a movie deal, AWESOME RESULT
 and no matter what you think of the story its is a dream come true for
 the woman who started off on fan fiction.

I shall not go into the phenomenon that is 50 shades and how it is now acceptable for woman of all ages to read erotic literature because its for sale in Asda so it must be  OK
and how there are many men out there that are very happy that their women have picked up these books ;)

I will quickly move on to The Hunger games which I could not put down until I had finished them all. Now I wait for the DVD to come out because it is just so expensive to visit the pictures (cinema). When Debbie first gave me the run down on this story, I thought is sounded to much like a horror story for my liking, but having read them all I would say its a futuristic, science fiction, Mad Max type story based on children fighting to survive in a corrupt and evil world of the future. A nice change from all that smutty lemony grey matter.

So that's me up to date with my paper backs, whats next?
Have you read any good books, where should I go next?



  1. I used to read (and write!) a lot of fanfic too... the downside to it is that there is an *awful* lot of badly written dreck out there to sift through to find the few good ones! :lol:

    If you're looking for new books to read I highly recommend I Am Number Four, by Pittacus Lore, and the sequel The Power of Six. And also Janet Evanovich's Stephanie Plum novels. :)

  2. Hi Karen
    Mine started with Harry Potter, then Twilight. Am on second 50 shades just now and Hunger Games is waiting in the pile. Been mad busy week so nothing to share today but will try to join in next Sunday x

  3. I just finished book three and I loved them now starting cross fire by Sylvia day you should check it out .
    I really enjoyed Ana nd christian

  4. If you've got a Kindle then there are loads of books at 20p on Amazon right now. Just read Monday to Friday Man. Typical chick lit but at 20p you can't go wrong ;)

    Susan x

  5. The Game of thrones is getting great reviews! think I'll delve into them next.

    Ali x


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