
SOS. hat's off to you all

As always, we have to take our hats off to the fantastic design team here at Sugar Nellie.
 Every time without fail they create the most stunning cards with a wee bit of Scottish rubber.
The time and effort they put into their DT work can never be measure but I can honestly say that they are greatly appreciated for the work they do.


This week has flown by and I am sure that now that we are in July,
this will be the fastest month of the year in our house.
School is out for the summer and I ended up giving the teachers a box of our fav cupcakes.Yum Yum.

It's my 23rd wedding aniversary today, I am working in the new store
while hubby helps out a neighbour with his silage.
 So no romance to be found on the farm this weekend!

I did manage to sneek in a visit to a local boutique and after trying on a variety of dresses, took one home, happy that this would be my dress for the wedding.
I was real please with myself, it was not as painfull as I expected, I sometime break out in a wee panic attack when I have to strip off and try clothes on in a store!
But on taking it home and showing it to the family, I was told it was not MOTB enough????!!!
{you realy dont want to know what I said to that.}

So unless I find something better I am currently looking for silver/grey accessories.
Hat, shoes and bag, that's all I need to find.

a hat rather than a facinator, as I think it ups the MOTB status a little more

nothing too big,
too small
 too bright or too feathery!

Who would have thought that there were so many styles of hats.
I dont want something that shouts "look at me and my daft hat"
no, something simple and classic with do just fine.

have a great weekend
and for those who are inking up your sweet rubber,
colour them beautiful!


1 comment:

  1. beautiful headwear karen, hope you find one you like- I do not suit hats at all! Not long til the wedding now
    Happy Anniversary


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