
Saturday Shenanigans!

Well here we are it's  Saturday sincere apologies for missing my post last week but, I like many others, have been floored by the 'flu! My entire family had being sick yourself and looking after small sick people is just plain hard work!

Anyway, enough of my woe''s February!

'Already?' I hear you all cry!

And, for me anyway, February means only one thing.....

Valentines Day!

So, I thought I would put together a few of my favourite Sugar Nellie stamps which are perfectly at home on Valentines cards...


If you'd like to make your Valentine a card using any of these super sweet stamps just click on the image and you will be taken straight to Funkykits, where they are all (at the time of writing) in stock!

I shall leave you all with thoughts of romance in the air and 'just for fun' I'd like you all to leave me a comment completing the following

Roses are Red
Violets are Blue....

(Yes, I have very fond memories of trying to think up these traditional Valentines rhymes when I was at school, and so, for my daughters benefit please supply me with some, as her poor mothers memory is not what it used to be!)

Keep it clean though.....

Enjoy your weekend everyone, and if you're crafting this weekend please remember we have two competitions running over on
 The Facebook Group and The Sugar Bowl so please take the time to enter and perhaps win some sugar?


Gayle x


  1. Roses are red
    Violets are blue
    I love Sugar Nellies
    And so will you!

    A bit lame but all I could think of. Hugs Christine x

  2. Oh so sorry to hear that you were not well, hope that you are allready better. The card are sinply gorgeous. hugs! MOjca

  3. Roses are Red
    Violets are blue....
    Amanda and Patty
    Are coming to see you! :)


Thank you for your comment