
Rouge Traders

Some of you know this UK programme that exposes thief's.
There is also Saints and Sinners who also run along the same lines.

I want you to be recognised as a SAINT and help US (Stamp Out Companies) bring attention to the SINNERS.

Some companies don't care, some of us do, we are small enough to be effected by the drop is sale due to PINTREST.

I love pintrest but there is a dark side, sharing of copyrighted art and patterns.

We cant do this alone, its spreading faster than we can report them.

Here is a message, please read.

Asking for HELP from our fans who use Pinterest (and please share with other crafters):

I (Mo) was up at 4AM this morning reporting my stolen images that were pinned on Pinterest again. I've been talking to Pinterest's lawyer and we are discussing how to best stop this -- people who are repeat infringers will be losing their Pinterest accounts.

But, I had an idea a while ago, more of a grass-roots style movement where those of you who DO pay for your stamps (and who respect copyright) help all the companies you love by cutting/pasting the entire message between the asterisks below into the comment section of any Pin or rePin where the user has posted an unwatermarked stamp image by a company you care about....

Let's see if we can get an army of crafters to fight this ever worsening trend before people have to start losing their Pinterest accounts.

If someone has already left the comment, go ahead and add your pasted message too -- we need all the comments we can get to make these pinners to pay attention to the fact that they're not only breaking the law, but they're ruining the stamp business:


Whenever you see a copyrighted image on a "Pin" like this, you are looking at the page of a person who is helping to ruin the stamp business by sharing copyrighted illustrations illegally with thousands of Pinterest users. Stamp companies do NOT give away their images for people to post as "Free" on Pinterest. Please help Stamp companies and illustrators STAMP OUT Pinterest theft by copying and posting this entire message in the comment section of the offending Pin. If you know the name/company of the artist whose work is being stolen, let people know who you're commenting for!!

THANKS for the help of all our fans who have been reporting theft on Pinterest to us. xoxoMo     Don't feel bad about leaving a negative comment, remember this pinner has been caught , literally, with her hand in our purse.   Thank you for your support.   Karen


  1. Pinterest has never really caught my attention and I just thought it was for storing interesting mood board type images, so this was news to me. I typed in 'cute stamped image' and there they were. I can't add a comment without membership, but I think this is a really good idea as I'm sure people will repin things in ignorance with no idea of the implications.


  2. Hi there! I love this card, and all your projects! I was reading about the issues you're having on Pinterest. I'm trying to understand what's going on; do you not want your finished projects Pinned? Or are people Pinning your stamps? I'd like to know, because I want to Pin your pretty projects, but not if you don't want that. :)


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