In some ways I am glad not to have Santa visit the house, in other ways the magic is tarnished without small children. So for the next few years we will have a mostly adult Christmas season and because I know not anyone whe needs anything, I am lookin at taking a leaf from Ali Watson and doing hand made gifts only. Not that I will be making those gifts, no I will gladly support others who run small businesses in the craft world. I get the fun of shopping handmade without taking up said hobby and its got to be a win win situation.
Today is pinterest day, it's also the only day off in the week so it's also washing and housework day!
But I did get a few minuets of pinning done between trying to get a computer to work in order to do this post, aye it's frustrating when there are nothing but error messages that I can't understand.
Posting from my iPad does limit what I can do, the pictures positions etc So forgive me if its all jumbled but I am running real late as it is.
On my pinterest feed page today were a few pic's that I would like to share with you, which order they get loaded up will be trial and error but here is my comments , match them up to the pics if you can.LOL
Beautiful scene to remind my that the weather we have today is brilliant for October and that there is no doubt that we will be cold and frosty soon enough. All the family are outside calfing and I get a little peace.
I just love white embossing on velum and its no surprise that this card was traced back to one of my fav bloggers, Debbie Hughes of Lime Doodle Designs.
This one is for Ali :)
Oh no, cute but I bet unlicensed use.
That's all for me, I will leave you with a little artwork on my desk 😉
gorgeous card and love the crochet items too x